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But that poor insect, that remains there suspended between heaven and earth, shall I say hell, what am I to think of it?" The dragonfly was still there. She continued "En purgatorio, ah Dios, tu quedas en purgatorio," as if the fly had represented the unhappy young pirate's soul in limbo. Oh, let no one smile at the quaintness of the dying fancy of the poor heart crushed girl.

Madelon, driven into her last intrenchments by the sophistries of the wily aristocrat, objected timidly, "Mais, Monseigneur, j'aime mon mari." For a moment the Marquis was surprised, and seemed to reflect. Then he said, "Tiens tu aimes ton mari? C'est bizarre: mais après tout ce n'est pas defendu." As he spoke, he smiled upon his simple vassal evidently wavering between amusement and compassion.

And the Maenad there, carrying the torn limb! Also the border of vine-leaves and crossed thyrsi; though that, to be sure, is usual enough. And this next? Ah, I remember 'Tu cum parentis regna per arduum'; but what a devil of a design! And, above all, what mellowness!

Ellen Evans, daughter of my tutor Evans, her call unto the crystal was this: 'O Micol, O tu Micol, regina pigmeorum veni, &c.

It was not perhaps to be wondered at that Octavia fainted when Virgil in reading from his great poem came to the line beginning Tu Marcellus eris: It is not hard to believe the story told of one of the two Davidson sisters, that the singing of some of Moore's plaintive melodies would so impress her as almost to take away the faculties of sense and motion.

"Sir," said I, knowing him to be an old friend whom I had met in unknown regions, "sir," I said, "may I offer you a glass of brandy-and-water?" "Bedad, ye may," says he, "and I'll sing ye a song tu." Of course he spoke with an Irish brogue. Of course he had been in the army. In ten minutes he pulled out an Army Agent's account, whereon his name was written.

Feeling most regretfully that he was unable to fulfil his engagement, Wen gave these to me as a testimony of the truth of what I now tell you." King took the paper handed him by Tu, and recognised at a glance his cousin's handwriting. "Alas!" he said, "Mr Wen told us he was engaged, but, not believing him, I urged him to consent to marry my cousin.

Lyddon met him just outside Monks Barton, and though Martin desired no such thing at the time, nothing would please the miller but that his friend should return to the farm for some conversation. "Home again, an' come to glasses, tu! Well, they clear the sight, an' we must all wear 'em sooner or late. 'T is a longful time since I seed 'e, to be sure." "All well, I hope?" "Nothing to grumble at.

"I don't call that hypocrisy, Hugh." "What is hypocrisy, then?" "A hypocrite is a person who pretends to be very good, and I am sure you never pretended to be good at all." Hugh laughed; "That is true," he said "but I hate all underhand dealings." "But you won't tell, Hugh? Please don't." "Et tu Brute?" "And don't quote Latin either."

Quod tam grande Sophos clamat tibi turba togata; Non tu, Pomponi; caena diserta tua est. MART. Lib. vi. Ep. xlviii. Resounding plaudits though the crowd have rung Thy treat is eloquent, and not thy tongue. F. Lewis. THE world scarcely affords opportunities of making any observation more frequently, than on false claims to commendation.