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Tell me of this Alison Balfour; you know I should like to hear about your friends." "Should you? that is something new. If it had been always so if you had indeed made my interests yours, Sybilla!" There was a touch of regret and old tenderness in his voice. She thought he was kind on account of her illness, and thanked him warmly.

"Listen," he said at last, "hear this, my Lord of Touraine; ever since we came to this kingdom, and, indeed, long before we left the realm of France, the Lady Sybilla intended nothing else than your deception and destruction. Poor dupe, do you not yet understand? She it was that cozened you with fair words. She it was that advised you to come hither that we might hold you in our hands.

The pale prisoner lifted his serene eyes; the tall, dark figure stepped in. "Sybilla!" "Yes, Sir Everard." The great door closed with a bang. "Half an hour, mind," reiterated the jailer. The key turned; they were alone together within those massive walls. "I thought we parted yesterday for the last time in this lower world," said the baronet, calmly. "Did you? You were mistaken, then.

The young plantation slopes down to the very water's edge; the shrubbery is thick and dense, the spot gloomy; no one ever goes there. You can come by water and fetch her in the boat. Land on the shore under the stone terrace, about midnight, and my lady will meet you there." "And you, Sybilla? The old lady and me, we sail at the turn of the tide for Southampton, to take passage for America.

It was a funeral procession, and in the place of chief mourner, with pale, set face, walked the same young man whom Griselda had last seen dancing with the girl Sybilla in the great saloon.

His father and Laurence were already on their way. Sholto had arranged that whether they found any trace of the lost ones or no, they were all to meet on the third day at the little town of Kirkcudbright. For Sholto, warned by the Lady Sybilla, even at this time had his idea, which, because of the very horror of it, he had as yet communicated to no one.

This woman's hatred was something deadlier, surer, more persistent. "Vengeance " he said at last, scarce knowing what he said, "why should you, who betrayed him, speak of avenging him?" "Because," said the Lady Sybilla, "I loved him as I never thought to love man born of woman.

Right handsome looked the young Earl of Douglas, as with a flush of expectation and pleasure on his face he rode up to the party of three who had come out to meet him. He made his obeisance to Sybilla first, with a look of supremest happiness in his eyes which many women would have given their all to see there.

The men now mounted again, and the three rode back in the midst of the cavalcade of Douglas spears, the Chancellor talking as freely and confidently to the Earl as if he had been his friend for years, while the Earl of Douglas kept up the converse right willingly so long as, looking past the Chancellor, his eyes could rest also upon the delicately poised head and graceful form of the Lady Sybilla.

"Do you mean the cuckoo clock?" said Sybilla, in a low voice. "Yes, my darling, the cuckoo clock, the crowning work of my life a clock that shall last long after I, and perhaps thou, my pretty child, are crumbling into dust; a clock that shall last to tell my great-grandchildren to many generations that the old Dutch mechanic was not altogether to be despised." Sybilla sprang into his arms.