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He was the master o' that 'ere shop, sir, and the inwentor o' the patent-never-leavin'-off sassage steam-ingin, as 'ud swaller up a pavin' stone if you put it too near, and grind it into sassages as easy as if it was a tender young babby.

We calls it soup. Anyhow, it's bery good." "Yes, Quash, it's not bad. But look there, our daring and expert young hunter evidently wants us to land, for he is pointing to the bush. Shall we go?" "P'r'aps it's as well, massa. Ob course no alligator's sitch a fool as swaller dat little mout'ful when we's a-lookin' at it. I s'pose Leetle Cub wants us to go away, an' gib 'em a chance."

It do frighten one at first wot they can put into their stummicks, Missis Spruce, but don't you worry you just get the things, and they'll know how to swaller 'em. Well now, Missis Keeley, if you'll b'lieve me" and here Mrs.

"We could work a week and not get enough to make him swaller more'n about twice. All we got this morning, he blew most of it away. He'd try to scoop it in toward his teeth with his lip, and then he'd haf to kind of blow out his breath, and after that all the grass that'd be left was just some wet pieces stickin' to the outsides of his face. Well, and you know how he acted about that maple branch.

Don't you want a swaller of cold tea?" "Well, I dunno but I'll have jest a swaller, if you've got some. Oh, dear me, hum!" Amanda went out hurriedly, and returned with a britannia teapot and a tumbler. She poured out some tea, and Mrs. Babcock drank with desperate gulps. "I think cold tea is better for anybody than cold water in hot weather," said Amanda.

Thar's thirteen of us. I can swaller a thirteenth of the yarn, if you can worry down the rest. Ed got up mad and said they could all go to some place which he ripped out pretty savage, and then walked off aft cussing to himself, and they yelling and jeering at him, and roaring and laughing so you could hear them a mile.

Herky-Jerky watched me with extreme attention, all the time grinning. Then he held out a handful of grubs. "If you ketch a trout on thet I'll swaller the pole!" he exclaimed. I stooped low and approached the spring, being careful to keep out of sight. "You forgot to spit on yer bait, kid," said Bill. They all laughed in a way to rouse my ire.

I ought to have told ye before this, that at Hand your katridge, seize it and bring it with a quick motion to your mouth, bite the top well off, and don't swaller so much of the powder as to make ye hawk and spet instead of attending to your drill. What's that man a-saying of in the rear rank?

Pete's wife Ca'line, she was a good 'oman, but she was mighty puny an' peevish; an' besides dat, she was one o' deze heah naggers, an' Pete is allus had a purty hard pull, an' I lay out ter give him a better chance. Eve'y bit o' whitewashin' he'd git ter do 'roun' town, Ca'line she'd swaller it in medicine. But she was a good 'oman, Ca'line was. Heap o' deze heah naggers is good 'omans!

"All the same," he added, in more moderate tones, "I'm willin' to admit that there's a good deal of reason in your argufication, so I'll go slow in future; I don't say that I won't take a glass or so of grog of an evenin' if I feels to want it; but I'll take care not to swaller enough of it to capsize me again." "You would do far better to swear off it altogether," asserted Leslie.