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She tottered a little with the words, and he transferred his hold to her elbow. He supported her steadily and sustainingly. Eustace stepped forward, and lifted the heavy curtain for them with a mask-like ceremony. She glanced up at him as she went through. "Good night!" he said. Her lips quivered in response. He suddenly bent to her. "Good night!" he said again.

But she was pale; her black brows were the blacker behind the flattering tissue; she still kept a hand, for support, on the terrace-rail, while the other, at the end of an extended arm that had an effect of rigidity, clearly pressed hard on the knob of a small and shining umbrella, the lower extremity of whose stick was equally, was sustainingly, firm on the walk.

His arm held her sustainingly. "And if you're very desolate, child, come and call me!" he said. "I'm always at hand, always glad to serve you." She smiled a difficult smile. "I shall need you more afterwards," she said under her breath. And then, as if words had suddenly become impossible to her, she leaned against him and kissed him. He gathered her up close, as if she had been a weary child.

Strive as she would, she could not keep up her spirits. She could not feel any assurance for the future, could not put her entire trust in Heaven. To her the hopeful spirit of her husband seemed a blind confidence, and not a rational faith. But, even while she felt thus, she condemned herself for the feeling; and strove with how little effect! to walk sustainingly by the side of her husband.

Winch replied which made it right again; especially as our friend still felt himself reassuringly and sustainingly grasped. But Winch went on: "You would go to him in kindness?" "Well to understand." "To understand how he could swindle you?" "Well," Mark kept on, "to try and make out with him how, after such things !" But he stopped; he couldn't name them. It was as if his companion knew.

That sun-bright vision of himself which so splendidly and sustainingly companioned him, which spoke in his most sonorous periods, which so completely and satisfyingly commanded the reverence of Genevieve that George Remington of his brave imaginings would not thus have answered Benjamin Doolittle.

After which, sustainingly, "I'm 'Mitchy," our friend stated. His interlocutor looked slightly queer. "I don't think I can quite begin. I'm Mr. Longdon," he almost blushed to articulate. "Absolutely and essentially that's exactly what I recognise. I defy any one to see you," Mitchy declared, "as anything else, and on that footing you'll be, among us, unique." Mr.

"Lady Evesham, come and wait by the door! There is more air there." She turned her head mechanically, and looked at Lennox Tudor with eyes that saw not. There was a singing in her ears that made the crashing chords of the organ sound confused and jumbled. His hand closed firmly, sustainingly, upon her elbow. "Come with me!" he said.

Her hand rested sustainingly on one of the brave young Bud's knees which jutted out from the fence. "Can't trust 'em, Mis' Mayberry, fer if they'll steal they'll lie," said Mrs. Pike in a voice tinged with the deepest melancholy for the fallen estate of her family. "They'll have to suffer for both sins whether they did or didn't," and again the bottle was poised.

He answered her instantly with the utmost quietness, the utmost kindness. "Lady Evesham, your own heart has already told you the truth." She put out a quick hand, and he took it and held it firmly, sustainingly, while he went on. "There is nothing whatever to be done. Give her rest, that's all; absolute rest. She looks as if she has been worked beyond her strength. Is that so?"