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When he was once more arrayed for the street he thrust his sun-tanned hand through the grilled window to the trembling deputy; he smiled his gay lazy whimsical inscrutable smile. "Buenos dias, amigo" he said; and so astounded was the unhappy deputy that he actually accepted the proffered hand and shook it limply.

"To meet my people again. They're just back from Switzerland. It isn't your home yet." This decided her. She told him, first enjoining him to silence. To her relief, also to her surprise, he took it very calmly. His face went a shade whiter beneath his sun-tanned skin; he stood a trifle more erect than before; and that was all. "I congratulate you," he said.

The young man could only see her bare, sun-tanned arms stretching out right and left to seize some overlooked weed. He followed this rapid play of her arms complacently, deriving a singular pleasure from seeing them so firm and quick. The young person had slightly raised herself on noticing that he was no longer at work, but had again lowered her head before he could distinguish her features.

Gibney in rowing his prisoners ashore, and when finally he stood alone beside the wreck of the brave old Maggie, piled up at last in the port of missing ships, something snapped within his breast and the big tears rolled in quick succession down his sun-tanned cheeks. The old hulk looked peculiarly pathetic as she lay there, listed over on her beam ends.

But love to her meant what it had meant in those first days on the Maine coast when she had seen him, slender and strong, his brown hair blowing back from his sun-tanned skin; it meant those first days in their new home when, handsome and debonair in the velvet coat which she had made him wear, he had added a high light to the picture she had made of her home.

Mike's sun-tanned face turned brick-red; he could have bitten off his unruly Irish tongue. The girl stared at him helplessly, her cheeks, that were scarlet, tingling under the hot rush of blood. "There ye are, an' believe me, I didn't mean it. I was goin' to keep me mouth shut, but I never could do that." "You knew then, yesterday?" "Indade I didn't, an' that's a good sign to ye nobody'll know.

She reached forward and a small, sun-tanned hand grasped a greasy jack, "Slide under the back axle and put this jack in place, will you? And rush it! I 've got to change a tire in nothing flat! Hurry!"

Tom Walters and myself are both hard-up devils we see a lot of misery, but can do nothing to alleviate it; a few shillings is all we can give." Harrington rose, and his sun-tanned face flushed as he drew out his cheque-book. "I never try to shove myself in, in such matters as these, doctor, but I should feel pleased if you will let me help."

A swarm in May is indeed a treasure; it is, like an April baby, sure to thrive, and will very likely itself send out a swarm a month or two later; but a swarm in July is not to be despised; it will store no clover or linden honey for the "grand seignior and the ladies of his seraglio," but plenty of the rank and wholesome poor man's nectar, the sun-tanned product of the plebeian buckwheat.

He remained for a space with his teeth set hard, his eyes staring into the sky. Throb, throb, throb beat, went the engine; throb, throb, throb beat. He gripped his bars tightly, glanced at the aeronaut, and saw a smile upon his sun-tanned face. He smiled in return perhaps a little artificially. "A little strange at first," he shouted before he recalled his dignity.