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As soon as she recognized me she dived down the area steps, reappearing at the front door just as I reached the house. "I was watchin' for yer," she remarked in a hoarse whisper. "There's summun wants to see yer in there." She jerked her thumb towards the sitting-room. "It's a lidy," she added. "A lady!" I said. "What sort of a lady?" "Ow! A reel lidy. She's got a lovely 'at."

'When the present set were took for you by your dear aunt, Mr. Copperfull, said Mrs. Crupp, 'my remark were, I had now found summun I could care for. "Thank Ev'in!" were the expression, "I have now found summun I can care for!" You don't eat enough, sir, nor yet drink. 'Is that what you found your supposition on, Mrs. Crupp? said I. 'Sir, said Mrs.

"But, sir, I wanted to hail Mr O'Neil or somebody; I thought I oughter 'ave summun by to 'elp me, in case he becomed desperate-like, and I couldn't make no one hear on deck, and that's why I comed when I knowed you was a-passing along, sir." This was unanswerable logic, though Weston always had an answer for anything and everything.

"'Cause, it so 'appened as she married summun else." "And the second?" "The second were a fine, pretty maid tu, but I couldn't marry she." "Why?" "'Cause, Peter, she went an' took an' died afore I could ax 'er." "And the third, you married."

Where are they? Darned if I know. What I knows, certain, is this we gets in here about eight o'clock this morning, and makes fast here, and ever since then them two's been as it were on the fret and the fidge, allers lookin' out, so to speak, for summun as ain't come yet. The old chap, he went across into that there sail-maker's loft an hour ago, and t'other, he followed of him, recent.

'Not much chance o' that, sir; there's allus summun a wantin' a weskit o' this make, answered the man, with a grin, as Vernon and Ida went on, uncomfortably impressed by the idea of those two men sawing their coffin-boards in the calm, bright evening, with every articulation of the branching fern standing sharply out against the yellow light, as on the margin of a golden sea.

I've been carted here and carted there, and put out of this town, and put out of that town, and stuck in the stocks, and whipped and worried and drove. I've no more notion where I was born than you have if so much. I first become aware of myself down in Essex, a thieving turnips for my living. Summun had run away from me a man a tinker and he'd took the fire with him, and left me wery cold.

"Summun said they went to Black Tor, and old Eden set 'em to work in the mine, and keeps 'em there," said Nick, moving his head from side to side, so as to bring his eyes alternately to bear upon his young master. "Oh!" said Ralph softly to himself. Then aloud: "That will do."

But although pure speculative reason is far from sufficient to demonstrate the existence of a Supreme Being, it is of the highest utility in correcting our conception of this being on the supposition that we can attain to the cognition of it by some other means in making it consistent with itself and with all other conceptions of intelligible objects, clearing it from all that is incompatible with the conception of an ens summun, and eliminating from it all limitations or admixtures of empirical elements.

As we mounted the rising ground which led to the building from that point, one of the village children a boy came close up to us, attracted by the light we carried, and recognised the clerk. "I say, measter," said the boy, pulling officiously at the clerk's coat, "there be summun up yander in the church. I heerd un lock the door on hisself I heerd un strike a loight wi' a match."