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"Well, no, p'r'aps not 'zactly dat, Sooz'n, but suffin wid de same meanin'. You know it i'n't possible for me to speak like dem. An' dey bof seemed to hab got deir go-to-meetin' langwidge on all stiff an' stuck up grammar, same zif dey was at school.

"Oh, yas, sah, Massa Tom. I skeered him all right; but suffin else done happen. When I put down de telefoam I got a terrible shock. It hurts yit!" "Well," remarked Tom, "I suppose I ought to feel sorry for you, but I can't. You should let things alone. Now I've got to see if you did any damage. Come along, Ned."

But when Dinah came in with a platter of ham and eggs, there was such a funny look on the cook's face that Mrs. Bobbsey asked: "Aren't you well, Dinah?" "Oh, yes'm, I'se well enough," the fat cook answered. "But dey shuah is suffin strange gwine on abo'd dish yeah boat." "What's the matter now?" asked Mr. Bobbsey. "A whole loaf of bread was tooken last night," said Dinah.

"Ah, mammy, mammy," cried Olive, Dodo, and Nat together, "how did you know that we should be hungry now, and we are simply famishing?" "Well, honeys, I jess guessed it, I reck'n. I know'd massa was a-learnin' you'uns suffin', and it allers 'peared to me that learnin' was mighty empty work. I know'd Massa Doctor was never a one to keep his patients holler, and least his own folks!"

Even those that had been nearly drowned escaped and passed over." "But how was dat?" asked Ebony, with a perplexed air. "If de ody was nuffin', how could it do suffin'?" "Simply enough," returned the guide. "The charm consisted merely in noise.

"When Butterface goes with us, a three weeks' allowance usually disappears in a fortnight." "Nebber mind, Massa," said the negro seriously. "You've plenty for tree weeks dis time, 'cause I's off my feed. Got Polar dimspepsy, or suffin' o' dat sort, I tink." "You've brought the electrical machine, of course, and the dynamite, Alf?" asked the Captain. "Of course.

"Oh, massa, p'r'aps dey're a-goin' to kill you!" was the negro's comforting suggestion. "More likely they want him to cure the Queen," said Hockins. "Couldn't you, massa," whispered Ebony, with a terribly solemn countenance, "mix a spoonful a bery small spoonful ob prussic acid, or creosote, or suffin ob dat sort, wid 'er physic?" Mark laughed, and shook his head as he went out.

"An' I'se tellin' yo', Massa Tom," declared Eradicate, with a rather reproachful look at his master. "But I wanted t' do it right an' proper. I were comin' from Boomerang's stable, an' I see suffin' red spoutin' up at one corner ob de red shed. I knowed it were fire right away, an' I yelled." "Yes, I heard you yell," Tom said.

The neighbour who waited on her in moments spared from her own household labours came in. She held a cup of paste made from cornflour in her hand, and stirred the mixture invitingly. "It's time yu had suffin' inside of yer, Mis' Green," she said. "Yu ha'n't tasted wittels since that mossel o' bread-an'-butter yu fancied las' night."

And you knows all dat dese yer poor chillen wants dat dey hasn't axed for; and if dere's any ob 'em here, dat doesn't dare to speak out loud, and tell what dey does want, you can hear it jess as well, ef it is way down deep buried up in de heart; and oh, bressed Lord, do gib 'em de desires of de heart, 'less it's suffin dat'll hurt 'em, and den Lord don't gib it to 'em at all."