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"He's been in their employ from the first, but I never thought he'd go in for quite this kind of strong-arm work. He doesn't look it, do you think?" "I never laid eyes on him," replied Welton. "He's never been near the mill, and I never happened to run across him anywhere else." By this time they had secured the team. Ware led the way to the tree under which lay the body of the land agent.

"I sha'n't budge until I've found why you're hounding me!" says she, grippin' the chair arms. "So?" says I. "Maybe you didn't notice the size of my assistant, Swifty Joe, as you came in? His specialty is escortin' obstreperous parties downstairs and dumpin' 'em on the curb." "You try any strong-arm stuff on me and I'll scream for help!" says she. "I'll make a charge against you too."

Storri knew nothing of "strong-arm men," and "fall-guys," and "fleets," but he put no questions, and only seemed intent on meeting London Bill. In the rear room that formidable outlaw was discovered seated at a table. He was alone, and evidently had just come from upstairs, as a door leading to the stairway was ajar. Mr.

There's two serious questions before the house: the first and most important is, who and what is Danny Randall?" "I agree with you there," said I heartily. "And the second is, what are we going to do with ourselves?" "I'm going to begin mining," I stated. "All right, old strong-arm; I am not. I'm dead sick of cricking my back and blistering my hands.

All the low elements lurked here, the thugs, strong-arm men, the hold-ups, the heelers, the weaklings, the bums, the diseased. In ordinary times they here dwelt in a twilight existence; but at periods of excitement as when the city burned they swarmed out like rats for plunder. Krafft held his way steadily to the wharves. There he left the causeway and descended to the level of the beach.

My companions would have taken care of you, had anything happened to me," Tad went on composedly. "I want to say, now, that it would be good judgment on your part not to try any more strong-arm tactics on me or on my companions. If you do, you will instantly find yourself in more kinds of trouble than you have ever before experienced.

With the sword of truth and the armor of the spirit? No but with two or three dozen strong-arm men, who flung themselves upon the Socialist author and hurled him out of the church.

Flint picked him up between thumb and fore-finger, and as gingerly dropped him back into the breeding-cage. He squared his shoulders, wiped his brow, and drew a long whistling breath. "Phe-ew! It took all my nerve to do it!" said he, frankly. "I felt for a minute as if a strong-arm cop'd chased me up an alley and pulled his gun on me.

Below us on the dock, protected by two obvious members of the strong-arm squad, the great banker, philanthropist, and Hebrew, Adolph Meyer, was waiting. We were so close that I could read his face. It was stern, set; the face of a man intent upon his duty, unrelenting. Without question, of a bad business Mr. Smedburg had made the worst. I turned to speak to Talbot and found him gone.

Miss Ann come to me and we agree that the kid's a pest that had ought to have some strong-arm keep him in order, so we decide to get him away to a friend of mine who keeps a dogs' hospital down on Long Island. Bud Smithers is the guy to handle that kid. You ought to see him take hold of a dog that's all grouch and ugliness and make it over into a dog that it's a pleasure to have around.