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Updated: July 31, 2024

It needed nothing more to arouse the good woman, who had already said more than once: "What a pity!" as she saw little Rosine waiting for her father in the lodge of the concierge, asleep in a chair before the stove. She coaxed the child to play with her children. Rosine was very pretty, with bright eyes, a droll little Parisian nose, and a mass of straw-colored curly hair escaping from her cap.

Dechartre resumed the rhymes of the canticle: "At the hour when our mind, a greater stranger to the flesh; and less under the obsession of thoughts, is almost divine in its visions, . . . ." She approached beside the boxwood hedge, holding a parasol and dressed in a straw-colored gown. The faint sunlight of winter enveloped her in pale gold. Dechartre greeted her joyfully.

The clock was at eleven, the appointed hour: he waited anxiously the pressing five minutes; then she came and extended him the fine hand in the finest straw-colored glove "Letter to the Counsellor of Justice," said Jens, with strong Funen accent, and short, soldierly pronunciation.

Ed colored to the roots of his straw-colored hair. "Certainly not," he said almost irritably. "Max had genius; I had ability. That's different. One real success is better than two halves. Not" he smiled down at her "not that I minimize my usefulness. Somebody has to do the hack-work, and, if I do say it myself, I'm a pretty good hack." "Very well," said Sidney. "Then I shall be a hack, too.

Lying down by it, and putting his arm about it, the Indian lad began to blow it gently. The smoldering fire increased until a little blue flame, which he could barely see, appeared. Keketaw now added some very thin paper-like bits of dry bark and some small twigs to the pile of smoking moss. These caught fire, and sent up a straw-colored flame.

His voice was apologetic. "I seen you didn't like him. He's biggity, Jake is." "He's the most hateful man I ever saw," she burst out. Pete lifted thin, straw-colored eyebrows in questioning, but June had no intention of telling what had taken place. She would fight her own battles. "Well, he's a sure enough toughfoot," admitted the rancher. "When did you know him?"

His coat was pinched and padded; two enormous pins, connected by a chain, decorated a very stiff stock of blue satin dotted with yellow stars; his hands were cased in very dingy gloves which had once been straw-colored, and the said hands played with a whalebone cane surmounted by a formidable knob, which gave it the appearance of a "life-pre server."

"But Abbott says the girl is far advanced." "Far advanced! You may well say! I'll be bound she is and carrying on with Abbott on the very school-house steps. Yes, I venture she is advanced. You make me ashamed to hear you." Bob tugged at his straw-colored mustache; he would not swear, for whatever happened, he was resolved to lead the spiritual life.

There were a few nights when we woke to find Ada standing still as a statue in her long white cotton nightgown, straw-colored braids hanging down her back, rawhide in her right hand, only to find whoever had prowled around had driven on, or that it was Tim Carter, the lawyer, coming home from town intoxicated, talking and singing at the top of his voice.

The exercise had moistened his whole rich, red color, and fine drops of perspiration stood on his clean-shaven upper lip and in the hollow between his under lip and his bold chin; he pushed back the coarse, dark-yellow hair from his forehead with his handkerchief, and let his eyes mock her from under his thick, straw-colored eyebrows.

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