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In the doorway stood a man and a dog, both regarding her intently with open surprise, not unmixed with open appraisement and a marked degree of admiration. The man was of medium height, slight, with a putty complexion; cold, pale-blue eyes; pale, straw-colored hair, and a look of self-indulgence around his rather weak mouth.

Smalley flushed to the roots of his straw-colored hair. "Sorry, Doctor," he muttered. "I don't know what's the matter with me." "I can tell you," Kennon said. "You've just graduated." "How did you know?" Smalley said. "I was a graduate once, myself not too long ago." "How long, sir?" "Class of Eighty-seven." "That's twelve years ago," Smalley said. Kennon nodded. Ten years lost.

The boat passed, the 'Hirondelle', emerging from an arch of the Alma Bridge, and carrying humble travellers toward Grenelle and Billancourt. She followed it with her eyes, then let the curtain fall, and, seating herself under the flowers, took a book from the table. On the straw-colored linen cover shone the title in gold: 'Yseult la Blonde', by Vivian Bell.

"They've been talking about 'the Land'" he raised his hands and ran them through his palish hair "'the Land! Heavenly Father! 'The Land! Why! Look at that fellow!" Nedda looked and saw a man, like Richard Coeur de Lion in the history books, with a straw-colored moustache just going gray. "Sir Gerald Malloring hope he's not a friend of yours!

She just lets them big eyes of hers travel up and down, from Vee's smooth-fittin' gloves to the little wisp of straw-colored hair that curls up over the side of her fur hat. You couldn't blame Helma. I took a peek now and then myself. Meanwhile we has a good chance to inspect this waif that's been sort of wished on us.

Daggett was wrapping in brown paper two large dill pickles dripping sourness for a small girl with straw-colored pig-tails. Mr. Daggett beamed cordially upon Mrs. Black, as he dropped two copper pennies in his cash-drawer. "Good evening, ma'am," said he. "What can I do for you?" "A ten-cent can of baking-powder, if you please," replied the lady primly.

She is tall and raw-boned, she walks with her toes turned out, she has a most peculiar lurching gait like a camel's. She has skin the color of a new saddle, and the oddest straggly straw-colored hair. She never wears corsets and never makes her waists long enough, so there is always a streak of gray undershirt visible about her waist.

Charles Street, came out with a bid. The owner was a seedy man with a straw-colored, drunkard's mustache. He was leaning against the body of Mrs. His hundred-dollar offer was followed by a hiss. What followed next Stephen will always remember. When Judge Whipple drew himself up to his full six feet, that was a warning to those that knew him.

"Well, I reckon you won't," said the girl, throwing back her sunbonnet as if in challenge. "That's my pony, and nobody gets him without blood, and don't you forget it, sonny." She was a large-featured girl, so blonde as to be straw-colored, even to the lashes of her eyes, but her teeth were very white, and her lips a vivid pink.

"I dare say, my dear," said Lord Henry, shutting the door behind her, as she flitted out of the room, looking like a bird-of-paradise that had been out in the rain, and leaving a faint odor of patchouli behind her. Then he shook hands with Dorian Gray, lit a cigarette, and flung himself down on the sofa. "Never marry a woman with straw-colored hair, Dorian," he said, after a few puffs.