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Stodger and I had the burden of additional watchfulness imposed upon us; a number of people would be brought upon the scene, and each of us had to be present at some time during the hearing without leaving the house unguarded for a second. "Looky here, Swift," Dr. De Breen buttonholed me, grabbing at his glasses, "what's in this case, anyhow? Have you got the man? 'T isn't a woman, is it?"

Let him talk in there" with a violent gesture toward the opposite side of the hall "library. What say? There's a you know alcove curtains. I 'll hide behind 'em and listen; if he don't tell the story just like he did to me, why, we 'll call the turn on him. See?" For various reasons I thought the idea not a bad one, and said so. Stodger was off up the stairs like a shot.

"I fear, my gentle Roger, You'll be as wet as Bodger!" said Gerald. "Who is Bodger?" asked little Kitty. "Bodger, my blessed child, was a stodger, and a codger, and a very artful dodger; he carried his bones to David Jones, and asked to be took as a lodger." "Do be quiet, Jerry!" said Bell. "Father, can the canoe stand such a gale as this?"

I remembered Burke's reluctance to come down the front stairs, after I had sent Stodger to conduct him to me, together with my colleague's remark to the effect that "Burke did n't have much sand"; clearly, the secretary was a coward.

During the rest of Wednesday afternoon perhaps I forgot to mention that the murder was committed at about midnight Tuesday and until late Wednesday night, Stodger and I prosecuted a diligent and systematic search for the ruby, the original of the design on the cipher, and for anything else that might bear upon the crime, but found nothing to reward our efforts.

"I didn't expect to find you here," he said at length. "And all whom you did expect to find have gone," returned I. "But that's no reason why we should stand holding the door open and filling the house with cold. Come in." "I don't understand you," said he, hesitating a second longer; "I was looking for no one." I glanced out for some sign of Stodger, but saw nothing of him.

After supper, which was brought in to us, Stodger and I divided the night into two watches I taking the first until two o'clock in the morning, and he assuming responsibility from that time on until he chose to awaken me.

For to say that it was the ruby did not clear the fog any unless I accepted the growing assurance that Alfred Fluette was the active instrument of death. Still, every detail I had gathered was necessary to complete the circle. When finally I did have my case all in hand there was no single point that remained obscure. My brooding inertia was dispelled by a shout from Stodger.

It has always been hard for me to talk to these sharp-eyed, alert young chaps of the press, without saying something I had no business to say. Even if I did n't say it, some one of them would be sure to make a pretty shrewd guess, sometimes causing me no end of trouble. Stodger knew nothing of my intentions; therefore he could let nothing slip that might in any way affect my future movements.

Swift, Stodger wanted to know what to do with 'em: for pity's sake, tell him to kill 'em!" Again I interrupted. I trust that I may in all modesty record that I have more than a spark of the feelings to which the young fellow made such a passionate appeal. "Look here, Maillot, has the young lady a companion?" "Yes usually; a young lady cousin who lives with her." "Very well.