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"Guess I ain't much the wuss for wear," declared Jake Kelly, sitting up. "All's hurt's my feelin's at havin' that there team git away from me like that. The old mare's steady's a clock thought she could hold the young one down, if he did git lively. Dunno now what he took off at. Serves me right for trustin' 'em a minute while I lit up my pipe."

"To make accusations against my uncle, and then to refuse to say what they are! But can't you make them say?" "We'll try, in good time," answered Starmidge. "Slow and steady's the game here. For, whatever it is, it's a deep game." "Nothing has been heard since I saw you last night?" asked Betty anxiously. "No one has brought you any news?" "No news of any sort, miss," replied Polke.

This declaration in some measure appeased the youth, who condescended to accept the present; and, next levee day, made his acknowledgment to the donor, who favoured him with a smile of infinite complacency, which entirely dissipated all the remains of his resentment; for, as he could not possibly divine the true cause of his being temporized with, he looked upon this condescension as an undoubted proof of Sir Steady's sincerity, and firmly believed that he would settle him in some place with the first opportunity, rather than continue to pay this pension out of his own pocket.

Where's the Maguire that would do a mane or shabby act? tha that's what I'd like to know. Isn't the word of a Maguire looked upon as aiquil to to an another man's oath; an' where's the man of them that was as ever known to break it? Eh Frank? No; stead ed steady's the word wid the Maguires, and honor bright."

Nay, he was in danger of becoming a proselyte to Sir Steady's opinion, when he recalled and compared every circumstance which he knew of Pickle's impatience and impetuosity.

'Cheerily, said the Captain. 'Cheerily! Stand by, my pretty one, stand by! There! You're better now. Steady's the word, and steady it is. Keep her so! Drink a little drop o' this here, said the Captain. 'There you are! What cheer now, my pretty, what cheer now?

He then made his appearance at the levee, in hopes of being closeted; but, though he took all opportunities of watching Sir Steady's eyes, he could not obtain one glance, and had the pleasure of seeing him retire, without being favoured with the least notice.

Whereupon, away trudged Charley to Mr Steady's warehouse, pulling off his hat with a formal salaam, "Good Massa Onyx sweet Massa Teady pray give me de bell." Here the sable clerigo gathered himself up, and leant composedly on his long staff, hat still in hand, and ear turned towards Mr Steady, awaiting his answer. "Bell!" ejaculated Steady, in great amazement, "bell! what bell?"

These circumstances of wilful neglect were not over and above agreeable to our young hero, who, in the agonies of vexation and resentment, went home, and composed a most acrimonious remonstrance to his honour; in consequence of which he was not only deprived of all pretensions to a private audience, but expressly denied admittance on a public day, by Sir Steady's own order.

"Better not talk," growled Serge, as they began to make quicker progress. "I don't suppose anyone is here; they'll all have gone to the front; but you never know, and every bad word is picked up by the rocks and sent flying far away till it drops plump into somebody's ear. Steady's the word, boy. Keep your little chap still. I don't suppose this bit of a streamlet keeps like this.