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Give us some wine! We will go on ops, as the late Bishop Zawisza of Kurozwenki used to say!" "And from ops to hell, the devil says," added the fool Ciaruszek. "Let him take you!" "It would be more amusing for him to take you. They have not yet seen the devil with Kropidlo, but I think we shall all have that pleasure." "I will sprinkle you first.

Wet the hands with cold water, take pieces of the dough and knead until the dough comes clear from the hand; afterwards knead with white flour so it is not too hard; add one pound of chopped nuts, sprinkle flour on tins, spread dough, not too thin; leave the stove door open till it raises; then close door, and when done take out. Spread with brandy and cut in thin slices.

Cut up the chickens as for pies; season them well; have green corn cut off the cob; put a layer of chicken in the bottom of a stew pan, and a layer of corn, and so till you fill all in; sprinkle in salt, pepper and parsley, and put a piece of butter in; cover it with water, and put on a crust, with slits cut in it; let it boil an hour; when done, lay the crust in a deep dish; dip out the chicken and corn, and put it on the crust; stir in the gravy a thickening of milk and flour; when this boils up, pour it in with the corn and chicken.

After a short consultation between the chiefs, the king demanded what ceremonies would have to be gone through, to become Christians; and was informed, by the governor, that the only ceremony would be that he would have to declare himself a Christian; that the priest would make upon him the sign of a cross with his finger, and would sprinkle him with water; and that, when this was done, he would be a Christian.

Season with salt and pepper and mix with 1 tablespoonful of flour to a smooth batter; then fry in hot lard until brown. Serve hot. English Tarts. Make a rich puff paste; roll out thin and cut into squares; then fill with fruit jam; turn over and pinch in the edges. Drop in a kettle of deep hot lard and fry until a delicate brown. Sprinkle with pulverized sugar and serve hot. Norwegian Rice.

Beyond the circle all was black darkness, except at the bows, where the water breaking on board flung a white sheet of spray. It could be seen like a sprinkle of snow driven by the wind, it could be heard striking the deck like the lash of a whip. "He has been moved," said the German. "No doubt he has been moved. There is no one in the bows."

Some sprinkle, some pour, and others immerse for baptism. Some sprinkle, pour or immerse, just as the candidate wishes it. Does the New Testament teach this babel of confusion or has it come from human inventions and additions?

Take a pound of Respass, a pound of fine Sugar, a quarter of a pint of the juyce of Respass, strew the Sugar under and above the Respass, sprinkle the juyce all on them, set them on a clear fire, let them boil as soft as is possible, till the syrup will gelly, then take them off, let them stand till they be cold, then put them in a glass. After this manner is the best way. To preserve Pippins.

Then sprinkle flour on a molding board, and lift the dough from the mixing bowl to the board. Sprinkle flour thinly over the top and pat out the dough until it is about 1 inch thick. Cut the dough with a biscuit cutter, and place the biscuits thus cut out on baking sheets or in shallow pans.

As he passes the liquor, he stamps on the ground, while his wife waves the fowl, and all this time the medium continues to sprinkle them with a grass brush dipped in water. No explanation is given for the individual acts, but the purpose of the whole is to drive away sickness, "just as the rooster flaps his wings."