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He commandeered all the lighters the other schooners were using; the soldiers rounded up the cargadores at the point of the bayonet, and they started discharging the American schooner Tyee, with the spiggoty soldiers swelling Joey's crew at the pumps and Joey doing business with that wooden plug according to the requirements.

Nary an answer. She stared at me, then at the snorting engine and then burst into tears, which you'll admit is uncommon behaviour for an Indian woman. "My Spiggoty Spanish wasn't much to brag on, but I could see she understood, though she only shook her head and wouldn't speak. But great Moses, she was some looker " I glanced apprehensively at Mrs.

It was a feast day and they'd run an excursion up country but of Guayaquil, and this was the crowd coming back. "And the crowd there was five thousand of them wanted to get ferried across, and the ferry was at the bottom of the river, which wasn't our fault. But by the Spiggoty arithmetic, it was. 'Kill the Gringos! shouts one of them. And right there the beans were spilled.

If you fellows will come with me, I'll introduce you in form. Do you 'spiggoty'?" "Do we what?" asked Jack wonderingly. "Spiggoty. Talk this greaser lingo?" "Not very well, I'm afraid. Does the general talk English?" "Well. He's a good fellow, too. You'll find out." Thus rattling on, Bob Harding escorted the lads toward the van of the advancing horsemen.

Cortlandt's body, it seemed, had been found about daylight by a Spiggoty policeman, who had identified it. Becoming panic-stricken at the importance of his discovery, he had sounded the alarm, then reported directly to the Governor, whose house was close by. It was General Alfarez himself who had informed Mrs. Cortlandt over the telephone of her husband's death.

Every time you go out you see the same coach-drivers, the same Spiggoty policemen leaning against the same things; every time you come in you eat the same food, drink the same liquor, sit in the same chair, and talk about the same topics. Everything runs too smoothly. The weather is too damned nice. The thermometer lacks originality. We're too comfortable.

But the uncomfortable sensation of the little circle of steel pressed to the nape of his neck brought him back again into the chair in a second, trembling like a leaf, and gazing in terror at the determined young figure standing over him. "Keep quiet and I'll not hurt you," said Jack, adding as an afterthought: "Do you speak English?" "Me spiggoty 'Merican," sputtered the trembling old Mexican.

I know all the Spiggoty politicians." "The what?" "The Spiggoties! That's what we call the Panamanians. They 'no spiggoty English'; understand?" "It's a funny name." "Now, my boy, there's one thing I want you to be careful of. Don't let some of these fellows around here get you excited.

"And the moment we pulled into Quito, she did what she'd done before vanished. Sarah never believes me when I say how relieved I felt to be quit of her. But it was not to be. I got to my 'dobe house and managed a cracking fine dinner my cook had ready for me. She was mostly Spiggoty and half Indian, and her name was Paloma.

Gold Spanish signs and Spiggoty money and hotels with American cuspidors and job-hunters; tin roofs and arcades; shops open to the street in front, but mysterious within, giving glimpses of the canny Chinese proprietors smoking tiny pipes. Trains from towns along the Canal, and sometimes the black funeral-car, bound for Monkey Hill Cemetery.