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Yet a number of the onlookers, possibly men with Vorse's or Sorenson's money in their pockets, shouted as the new-comers moved through the press: "Killer, murderer! Hang him, shoot him!" And more voices began to join in the cry. Clearly the intent was to stir up feeling in the crowd to a point where action against Weir would seem a spontaneous outbreak.

Nothing more would I wish than to see these leaders deposed. It's no secret they've built their wealth by questionable methods, but who can prove it? "Do you know what I suspect? You have something on Sorenson's crowd. That's why they're uneasy; that's why the four are sitting over in the cattle company's office this minute with their heads together, meeting the minute Sorenson arrives home.

Each with an arm in Sorenson's, they made a run for the jail, passed through the line of armed guards and for the moment were safe. The sheriff lost no time in dragging the prisoner inside and when presently he stepped forth again, locking the door after him, he showed a relieved face. "I put irons on him, hands and feet," he informed Weir. "He's out of the way at any rate if we're in for a row."

Swinging back again on the way he had come, Weir recrossed the creek and slowly retraced his course. Then with an exclamation of satisfaction he picked up the track where it turned up the canyon trail. But why was the man going to the Johnson ranch? Mystified by this baffling procedure on Sorenson's part, he nevertheless headed up the stream with no lessening of his purpose to overtake the other.

But granting that everything is as shown, with Lucerio the county attorney under Sorenson's thumb and the community as it is there's a question if Saurez' statement even will be enough to convict them." At that Janet jumped up, her eyes gleaming. "That is not all the proof, not all by any means!" she cried. "What more is there?" "Mr. Johnson's evidence."

"Your statement of being engaged surprised me into words and conduct that has had me in an unhappy state of mind ever since. Mr. Sorenson's talk to the crowd stirred my anger. Had I known your exact relationship to him and his son, I should have made no mistakes." "I had urged you to speak, had I not?" "Grant that. But I don't stand excused."

Sorenson's lips became compressed. He glanced down at his bleeding hand, shook the blood from his fingers. "I stay here," said he. Weir went a step nearer and thrust his face forward, jaw set, eyes smoldering. "Go on, I say," he exclaimed. But the other did not retreat before him or indeed move at all. A sneer lifted his gray mustache.

Ed Sorenson's ways were known to most and the revelations seemed true to his character; and from believing the statements of the son to accepting those concerning the father was but a step. Cattle girls! It began to look as if this engineer was in the right. With half of his attention Weir was harkening for the sound of starting automobiles.

But but the car sounded like Ed Sorenson's. I've heard it start from here many times with the same loud noise. They had quarreled, Señor Weir, and were no longer engaged." "I know. Which way did he drive off?" "East, down the lower end of the street." "Bring a lamp out to my car, so I can fix my tire."

He had considered all possibilities of the affair, all possible solutions of what long ago might have occurred between Joseph Weir, undoubtedly the father of the man sitting across the table from him, and the four men now conferring in Sorenson's office. This was no petty squabble, he divined. There was something going on under the surface that was big big!