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Travel, work, sincere effort, and a few years, should turn this astonishing boy into a marvellous player. The new "California Comet," successor to M. E. M'Loughlin, is the usual sobriquet for R. L. Murray, now of Buffalo. Murray won the National Crown in 1917-1918. His service is of the same cyclonic character as M'Loughlin. Murray is left-handed.

It is the day when inoffensive little tailors receive anonymous letters beginning 'You silly snip, when the baker is unpleasantly reminded of his immemorial sobriquet of 'Daddy Dough, and coarse insult breaks the bricklayer's manly heart. Perhaps of all its symbols the most typical and popular are: a nursemaid, a perambulator enclosing twins, and a gigantic dragoon.

The Jehn who drove it was something of a wag. Once, coming through Charlestown, while waiting in the street for a resident passenger, he was hailed by another resident who thought him obstructing the passage, with the shout, "Halloo there! Get your old bean-pot out of the way!" "I will, when I have got my pork in," was the ready reply. What the sobriquet of Charlestown was, need not be explained.

The youngster who had been dignified with the above sobriquet, and who made these replies, was certainly a most miserable-looking object, and looked as if a top-gallant breeze would have blown him to atoms. But if his body was weak, his tongue was most powerful. He resorted to no other weapon, and used that skilfully.

It needed only a few brilliant operations, madly reckless in appearance but successful, to give Ault the newspaper sobriquet of the Young Napoleon. "Papa, what does he mean?" asked the eldest boy. "Jim Dustin says the papers call you Napoleon." "It means, my boy," said Ault, with a grim smile, that I am devoted to your mother, St. Helena."

A brutal massacre was in store for them if no help came; and remembering this the red-shirted Garibaldians fought as if they well deserved their sobriquet of "Scarlet Demons." Help did come, not from below, but from above.

I am a man of powerful self-restraint, one of those strong, silent men, and I can curb my emotions. But I fear that Comrade Windsor's generous temperament may at any moment prompt him to start throwing ink-pots. And in Wyoming his deadly aim with the ink-pot won him among the admiring cowboys the sobriquet of Crack-Shot Cuthbert.

"If it would n't hurt your feelings, I 'd like to call you Quite So for short. Don't say no, if you don't like it. Is it agreeable?" Bladburn gave a little laugh, all to himself, seemingly, and was about to say, "Quite so," when he caught at the words, blushed like a girl, and nodded a sunny assent to Strong. From that day until the end, the sobriquet clung to him.

From the day of his cadetship he received the sobriquet and was always thereafter designated familiarly by his more intimate friends as Baldy Smith in contradistinction from other officers of the same patronymic. In the old days his name would have been written Baldysmith. He was a brilliant and faithful student and became in turn a cadet-corporal, color-sergeant and lieutenant.

There isn't a day that I don't shoot at something or other; and all I ask of any animal is to come within two hundred yards and I will squander a cartridge on him, and I never fail to hit the ground. At Elko, where I take dinner, I make the acquaintance of an individual, rejoicing in the sobriquet of "Alkali Bill," who has the largest and most comprehensive views of any person I ever met.