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For full details of the whole dramatic scene she was indebted to Robert Kidd, second year theologue, whose brown curly locks and cherubic face and fresh innocence of manner won for him the sobriquet of "Baby Kidd," or more shortly, "Kiddie." "Tell us just what happened," entreated Miss Belle Macdougall, with a glance of such heart-penetrating quality that Kiddie promptly acquiesced.

Mrs. Featherbrain and Mr. Stuart have been devoted to each other all the evening. "I know the adage," she answers cooly, "but I confess I don't see the application." "What! don't you know Charley's sobriquet of Prince Charley? Why he has been the Prince ever since he was five years old, partly on account of his absurd name, partly because of his absurd grand seigneur airs.

I murmured, and I was more truly moved to sympathy, I think, than ever I had been in all my selfish life. Hearing his sobriquet, a look of hope gleamed suddenly in his eye. "You will take me back, monseigneur?" he pleaded. "You will take me back, will you not? I swear that I will never let my tongue " "Sh, my good Ganymede.

His blue eyes blazed with emotion much in keeping with his sobriquet; and, raising his hand, the nervously crooking fingers of which made it almost a fist, he said, in a voice explosively strident: "That's all right. That's your say. You've described the condition o' nigger slaves, not American voters. And I'll tell you one thing, right here I'm a free-born citizen.

Had it not been for the fact that the sobriquet of Gentleman Dick was already conferred and accepted universally as his name, he certainly would not have escaped that of "Doctor," and as it was, Mr. Woods, who was profuse as well as profane in his gratitude, insisted upon so calling him.

His cronies have very appropriately given him the sobriquet of 'Whiskey Jemmie. I understand his wife and children are existing in utter poverty brought, by his abuse, to be abject specimens of squalor and rags." "Yes, Mrs. Holman and my wife were to his shanty the other day, and found them actually in need of the necessaries of life; and some time ago, when Mr.

And he held out his hand to her till she took it and rose. They had known each other from childhood, as I said; but Frank Scherman hardly ever called her by her name. "Miss Saxon" was formal, and her school sobriquet he could not use. It seemed to mean a great deal when he did say "Asenath." And Sin Saxon took his hand and let him lead her up, notwithstanding the "significance."

It was during his engagement on the "Plaindealer" that he wrote, dating from Indiana, his first communication, the first published letter following this sketch, signed "Artemus Ward" a sobriquet purely incidental, but borne with the "u" changed to an "a" by an American revolutionary general. It was here that Mr.

On arriving at that handsome and hospitable town, he put up at an excellent inn, called the "Western Arms," kept by a man who was the model of innkeepers, known by the sobriquet of "honest Peter Philips". We need, not now recapitulate that with which the reader is already acquainted; but we cannot omit describing a brief interview which took place in the course of a few days after the restoration of the Cooleen Bawn to the perfect use of her reason, between two individuals, who, we think, have some claim upon the good-will and good wishes of our readers.

The dates of his birth and death and the place of his birth are alike doubtful. He may have been at Oxf., is said to have been a regent or prof. at Paris, and was a Franciscan. He was a man of extraordinary learning, and received the sobriquet of Doctor Subtilis. His great opponent was Thomas Aquinas, and schoolmen of the day were divided into Scotists and Thomists, or realists and nominalists.