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Gifford fully agreed with Barrett that the most profound secrecy was the first requisite. Though he was new to the business of gold-mining as new as either the bank teller or myself he could prefigure pretty accurately what was before us. "Here's where we'll have to ride and tie on the snoozing act," was his drawling comment.

"Oh, I didn't want to disturb you, Shep, you were snoozing so comfortably." "Where is Giant?" "Gone off to see if he can get some game before we leave." "Do you want me to help with breakfast? If you don't, I'll try for some game myself." "Go ahead -only come back when I whistle," answered the leader of the club. The doctor's son was soon on his way, with his shotgun trailing in his hand.

I adore cats on hearth rugs, snoozing before nice, friendly fires, but cats in back yards at midnight are totally different animals. The first night I was here I cried all night, and so did the cats. You should have seen my nose in the morning. How I wished I had never left home!"

Last Christmas eve I fotched a jug of moonshine from the Cliff House Still and hid it in the loft. You know that boy found out whar I hid her and when I went after hit, hit was nigh gone. He was snoozing away on the hay. When he come to, his head didn't hurt narry bit. That once I shore split his pants for him with a hame strop.

The cobble-paved street through which he was riding was a commercial street; but now the shops had their wooden eyelids shut tight, and were snoozing away as comfortably and innocently as if they were not at all alive to a sharp stroke of business in their wakeful hours. There was a charm to Lynde in this novel phase of a thoroughfare so familiar to him, and then the morning was perfect.

Oh there was no gleam of levity, as little of humour as of deprecation, in the long time they now sat together or in the way in which at some unmeasured point of it Mrs. Wix became distinct enough for her own dignity and yet not loud enough for the snoozing old women. "I adore him. I adore him."

"I was only thinkin' what a skeer them innocent greenhorn passengers will get just ez they're snoozing off for the night, ten miles from here," responded his friend, with a chuckle. "Wonder ef anybody's goin' up from here besides that patent medicine softy." Ezekiel stopped as if petrified. "Ef the fools keep quiet they won't be hurt, for our men will be ready to chip in the moment of the attack.

I wasn't napping when I saw that hand-holding and kissing from the top of Beacon Hill. I wasn't snoozing that night when you went crawling to Gaston's shack just after you'd given your word to me, and" Jude had worked himself into a quivering rage "I wasn't sleeping when you and him sat there to-night, blast ye!" The convincing knowledge broke upon Joyce with full force.

'Perhaps I do, my dear, said the Jew, with a shrill chuckle. 'Mine, if you like, Bill. 'And wot, said Sikes, scowling fiercely on his agreeable friend, 'wot makes you take so much pains about one chalk-faced kid, when you know there are fifty boys snoozing about Common Garden every night, as you might pick and choose from?

Pirates and jolly-rogers and mysterious trespassers and silent bells, to say nothing of a beautiful young woman with a leaning toward adventure! But the most surprising turn was yet to come. In the office of Swan's hotel the landlord sat snoozing peacefully behind the desk. There was only one customer.