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"Which shows very plainly that your sartorial education has been neglected," returned John, "and I pity you. You are not living up to your privileges, and, worse still, you are unaware of the privileges you might live up to. But, I say, this is a sneezer!" and he looked about him into the fog, which was becoming denser every minute. "They're lessening the pace.

"But seeing you were alive, I thought if you did recover, it would be gratifying to both of us, after having weathered it so long with him through gale and sunshine, to lay the kind hearted old man's head on its everlasting pillow as decently as our forlorn condition permitted." As the Lieutenant spoke, Sneezer seemed to think his watch was up, and drew off towards the fire.

"We can write a sign and stick it up on a pole down there by the burned cabin. We'll make a sign saying that Mammy June is up here at the big house and for Sneezer to come and see her." "Oh, goody!" cried Rose, but still under her breath. "That's a fine idea, Russ." "Don't say anything about it to anybody," warned her brother, eager to make a secret of the plan that had popped into his head.

Wait till my Sneezer comes home and sees it Tut, tut! He ain't mebbe comin' home no mo'!" "Oh, yes, he will, Mammy June," Philly said comfortingly. "Don't know. These boys ups and goes away from their mammies and ain't never seen nor heard of again." "But Sneezer loved you too well to stay away always," Alice Armatage said.

From the way Mammy described her youngest son, even the children recognized him as Sam the chore boy at Aunt Jo's in Boston. Mun Bun and Margy, when the matter was quite settled that Sam was Sneezer, began to take great pride in the fact that it was their bright eyes that had first spied the colored boy walking in the snow and had been the first to invite him into Aunt Jo's house.

Sais I, "when I had my tea-store in Boston, I owned the fastest trotting horse in the United States; he was a sneezer, I tell you. I called him Mandarin a very appropriate name, you see, for my business. It was very important for me to attract attention. Indeed, you must do it, you know, in our great cities, or you are run right over, and crushed by engines of more power. Whose horse is that?

My crew shouted "Que es esto?" Peter Mangrove cheered Sneezer barked and yelled at a glorious rate, and could scarcely be held in the canoe and looking overboard, we saw the monster, twelve feet long at least, upturn his white belly to the rising moon, struggle for a moment with his short paws, and after a solitary heavy lash of his scaly tale, he floated away astern of us, dead and still.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, but before I was quite awake, the head and neck of a large Newfoundland dog was shoved into the chapel through the round aperture, and making a long stretch, with the black paws thrust down and resting on the wall, supporting the creature, the animal suddenly snatched the Padre's hat off his head, and giving it an angry worry as much as to say, "Confound it I had hoped to have had the head in it" it dropped it on the floor, and with a loud yell, Sneezer, my own old dear Sneezer, leaped into the midst of us, floundering amongst the sleeping women, and kicking the firebrands about, making them hiss again with the water he shook from his shaggy coat, and frightening all hands like the very devil.

When you refuse to take something just as good in this world, you'll usually find that the next time you call the druggist has the original Snicker's Sassafras Sneezer in stock. It's mighty seldom, though, that a really good man will complain to you that he's being held down, or that his superior is jealous of him.

The house was searched from cellar to garret by the two gentlemen. Meanwhile the anxious mother and her hostess went to the library. Russ had left there some spoiled sheets of cardboard with some of the letters printed on them. It was easy to see the attempt he and Rose had made to print plainly a notice to Sneezer, Mammy June's absent son, telling him that his mother was at the big house.