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He listened, and heard Henley moving to and fro in his bedroom. Then he shut the door, took off his smoking-coat, and bared his left arm. There was a tiny blue mark on it. "What will the dénouement be?" he whispered to himself, as he felt in his waistcoat pocket with a trembling hand. The book was moving onward by slow degrees and with a great deal of discussion.

Gerhardt knocked at number twenty-two. Jennie stood silently at her side. After a moment the door was opened, and in the full radiance of the bright room stood the Senator. Attired in a handsome smoking-coat, he looked younger than at their first meeting. "Well, madam," he said, recognizing the couple, and particularly the daughter, "what can I do for you?"

"The boy is happier, and you are none the worse. Shall I keep the paper for you?" But the Nurse, worn out with the long night, slept where she knelt. The minister, who had come across the street in a ragged smoking-coat and no collar, creaked round the bed and threw the edge of the blanket over her shoulders.

The alternate purposeless energy and weariful weakness of fever, just as the alternate dry flush and trembling chill of it, distressed him. He had slipped on a smoking-coat, but even the weight of this thin, silk garment seemed oppressive, although, now and again, he felt as though around his middle he wore a belt of ice.

There is a movement among the guests, the first detachment are bidding good-night, the rest speedily do the like. Father follows his favorite miss into the hall, cloaks her with gallant care, and through the door I hear him playfully firing off parting jests at her as she drives away. Then he returns to the drawing-room. Sir Roger has gone to put on his smoking-coat, I suppose.

He wore a red fez, much askew, and his American trousers and waistcoat were enlivened by a tennis-sash of orange and red and a smoking-coat faced with vivid green. He was smoking a decorated Turkish pipe 'Toor-kaish, he called it and a low table and sundry decorated boxes and packages were his sole stock-in-trade. 'Kum-all-ong! he reiterated. 'Kum-e see-e me-e-e smoke! Easy so no noise; so!

Then, turning his coat collar up over his unshaved neck, he departed for the mission across the street, where one of his derelicts, in his shirtsleeves, was sweeping the pavement. There, mindful of the fact that he had come from the contagious pavilion, the minister brushed his shabby smoking-coat with a whiskbroom to remove the germs! Billy Grant, of course, did not die.

The studylamp was lighted, the stove glowing, Peter's slippers were out, his old smoking-coat, his pipe. A quarter past seven. Peter would be near Vienna now and hungry. If he could only eat his supper before he learned but that was impossible.

But before I had time to say more, Atherley in his smoking-coat looked in to see if I was coming or not. "Don't keep Mr. Lyndsay up late, George," said my kind hostess; "he looks so tired." "You look dead beat," he said later on, in his own particular and untidy den, as he carefully stuffed the bowl of his pipe.

A flowered silk smoking-coat over his evening clothes and a briar pipe in his mouth, he went out into the hall and opened the front door. It was a drenching night. The lamps from a taxi which throbbed dully in the street outside the house threw a gleaming band of light on the shining pavement. At the door stood a taxi-driver.