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Why was he so eager to bear for its sake "all the thousand aches That patient merit of the unworthy takes"? Sometimes he became a priest; sometimes his life was purposeless and void. But he was ever urged onward by the fascination of learning and of the cultivation of the nobler part of his nature.

Bad health, fear, worry and the whole array of disintegrating forces are set into active motion by a purposeless life. The Purposeful Man has no time to bother about them. Understand clearly, spirituality is not laziness, whatever else it may be. I have perfect Self-Confidence. I am a Divine Being. I lower not myself I lower not others. My Life-Purpose is Constructive not Destructive.

Hermon Baby, Hal; it isn't quite fair." "Oh, yes it is, as long as he is so objectless and purposeless. Besides, his face is to cherubic I can't help it." "I call his face very manly." "Well, so it is in a way: but it's cherubic also; and then he's so dreadfully placid. If he'd only wake up, and boil over about something." She was silent a few moments, and then said suddenly;

There was always a haughty aloofness in his eyes that killed any word of greeting upon the lips of these same beholders with whom, a few hours later, he was to sit and wrangle in bitterest intimacy; a certain brisk importance of step which was a palpable rebuke to their purposeless unemployment. Just once this haughty reserve had been assailed.

The enemies of poise are many and of different origins, both of feeling and of impulse. It is of no use deceiving ourselves. Lack of poise has its roots deep in all the faults which are caused by apathy and purposeless variety. We have learned in the previous chapter how greatly the vice of lack of confidence in oneself can retard the development of the quality we are considering.

On one point only they were right, the old dogma, the old, old cry, old as the institution of police, older than that, old since time immemorial CHERCHEZ LA FEMME! Quite right but also quite purposeless! Jimmie Dale's eyes grew wistful. He had been "hunting for the woman in the case" himself, now, for months and years indefatigably, using every resource at his command quite purposelessly.

But, Oh! how dreary a thing it is if all that we have to say about life is, 'The times pass over us, like the blind rush of a stream, or the movement of the sea around our coasts, eating away here and depositing its spoils there, sometimes taking and sometimes giving, but all the work of mere eyeless and purposeless chance or of natural causes.

His impersonation of an amiable, spirited, self- conscious, land-owning gentleman with a passion for justice in remote places and a whimsical dislike of motor cars in his immediate neighbourhood, may veil the operations of a stupendous intelligence bent upon the regeneration of the world. It may do, but if it does, it is a very amazing and purposeless impersonation.

These laws apply in all cases of habit formation, whether they be the purposeless habits of children or the purposive habits of maturity. The law of exercise says that the oftener and the more emphatically a certain response is connected with a certain situation, the more likely is it to be made to that situation. The two factors of repetition and intensity are involved.

It was a wail over the struggle for existence, the purposeless procession of the ages, the passing of the ancient empires as the commentators had pointed out and of the modern empires that would pass on to join them, till the earth itself as the scientists had pointed out passed away in cold and darkness. Flux and reflux, the fire and the water, the water and the fire!