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"Well, we'll let it go until to-night then," said Kelly. "Until to-night," agreed Bruce. "And we know, in case of a slip-up, that there's no motor boat around here that can catch us when we make our get-away." "There's the Dixie," suggested Moran. "She's out of commission, I heard," responded Bruce. "And she won't be in shape for a day or so.

"Trust Tom Swift for that!" cried Ned. "If he says his aircraft will do the trick, it positively will." "How about leaving me out?" asked Mr. Damon. "I'm not an expert in anything, as far as I know." "You are in keeping us cheerful. And we may need you to bless things if there's a slip-up anywhere," laughed Tom, for Mr. Damon had been invited to be one of the party.

It was after breakfast time of the next ship-day when he got out the sample of clear liquid he'd worked so long to produce. "We'll see how it works," he observed. "Murgatroyd's handy in case of a slip-up. It's perfectly safe so long as he's aboard and there are only the two of us." She watched as he injected half a cc. under his own skin. Then she shivered a little. "What will it do?"

If he could get the evidence to Beta, it would be easy to enlist the aid of the entire Medico-Technological Civilization. It would take time and attention to detail; the case, the evidence, everything would have to be prepared with every safeguard and contingency provided, so that there would not be the slightest chance of a slip-up once it came to court.

"Fly-away!" exclaimed Uncle Tucker, "now Sister Viney's never going to forgive me that Bible slip-up if I don't persuade her from now on till supper. But there is nothing more for you to do out here, Rose Mary, the sun'll put out the light for you," and he hurried away down the path and through the garden gate.

Speak up, Little Sunbeam, and tell Papa what you got on your chest?" Mrs. Toomey laid down the powder puff. "What if there should be some slip-up, Jap? We're letting ourselves in for a dreadful disappointment if we count on it too much." He shook off her hands from his shoulders with an exasperated twitch. "You're the original Death's Head, Dell! Don't you suppose I know what I'm talking about?

He knew this must be wrong, because they would not make her work all day and all night, too. But, as it happened, it was Jane Brown. The hospital provided plenty of sleeping time, but now and then there was a slip-up and somebody paid. There had been a night operation, following on a busy day, and the operating-room nurses needed help.

"Yes," said Maggie. "You're to use another name. I've picked out Margaret Cameron for you. We can call you Maggie and it won't be a slip-up see? If any of the coppers who know you should tumble on to you, just tell 'em you dropped your own name so's to get clear of your old life. They can't do anything to you. And tell 'em you inherited a little coin; that's why you're living so swell.

"You," he snapped to one of the waiting guards, "go to the laboratory at once; convey my strict orders to Cor Eela that the weather machine must function perfectly. There must be no slip-up his life will answer for it." "Yes, oh Magnificence." The guard prostrated himself once more, then departed hastily. Vast echoes resounded in Hilary's mind.

"Orman, you and Bob ride straight to the Lazy B. Harrison gave it out he was going to stop there for the night. Me, I think he was lying. If he hasn't been there, cut acrost to Gila Creek and follow the bed. Jackson and Dan, you go straight south for the old Pima water-hole and sweep along below the edge of the mesa. I'll have a try more to the east. Mind, no slip-up, boys.