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The junior day-room was crimson in the face and incoherent. The demeanour of a junior in moments of excitement generally lacks that repose which marks the philosopher. "He ought to be kicked," shrilled Renford. "We shall get rotted by those kids in Dexter's," moaned Harvey. "Disgracing the house!" thundered Watson. "Let's go and chuck things at his door," suggested Renford.

In a soft blur of sound and sense the names of other people came wafting to him from time to time, and once or twice at least the word "Barton" shrilled out at him with astonishing poignancy.

If the wind shrilled down the pass, if a horse neighed from the corral, there was always the start in her, the thrill of hope, and afterwards the pitiful deadening of her smile. She was not less beautiful they thought, as she grew paler, but the terrible silence of the place drove them away time and again.

What is it?" The sunbonnet gave an upward jerk in his direction and the wearer shrilled out: "Doctor's come! Wantin' yer Uncle!" The old man, who had been so long quietly seated on the upturned barrel, now rose stiffly, and knocking out the ashes of his pipe turned towards the farmhouse.

From the centre of the clearing men were crawling or staggering to safety with the exception of the Black Minorca, who lay moaning softly. Colonel Pennington, seeing his fondest hopes expire, lost his head completely. "Get off my property, you savage," he shrilled. "Don't be a nut, Colonel," Bryce returned soothingly. "I'll get off when I get good and ready, and not a second sooner.

I mustn't SPEAK " "Don't you DARE!" Edith and Sibyl began to scream insults at each other simultaneously, fronting each other, their furious faces close. Their voices shrilled and rose and cracked they screeched. They could be heard over the noise of the phonograph, which was playing a brass-band selection. They could be heard all over the house.

She shrilled out her words: "Andrews will pinch me Andrews will pinch me! But No No!" She kept her hands behind her back and hatred surged up in her soul. In spite of her tender years, the doctor held to the theory that Robin had suffered a shock; she must be taken away to be helped by the bracing air of the Norfolk coast. Before she went, workmen were to be seen coming in and out of the house.

Then he straightened up purposefully and looked about as he sorted his winnings into piles. "The whole works on the queen," he said to the dealer and a hush fell upon the crowd. "Where's Ike?" shrilled the dealer, but the boss was not to be found and he dealt, unwillingly, for a queen.

Doctor Alwyn left, and Blaine spent a busy half-hour making his arrangements for the night's raid. Scarcely had he completed them when the telephone shrilled. The detective did not at first recognize the voice which came to him over the wire, so changed was it, so fraught with horror and a menace of tragedy. "It is you, Miss Lawton?" he asked, half unbelievingly. "What is the matter?

He pulled a police whistle from his pocket and shrilled a signal. For a time there was no answer or demonstration of any sort. Then the tramp of marching feet was heard on the pavement of the square.