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When, however, I came to tell him of my financial troubles with Hawkesbury and Shoddy he brightened up suddenly. "Why, why ever didn't you tell me of that before, Batchelor?" he exclaimed. "And this beggar Shoddy's going to show you up, is he? Ha, ha! we'll disappoint him for once in a way. I know him of old."

My last hope of a respite now gone to the winds! We walked down disconsolately to the office. Hawkesbury was back in his place, smiling as usual. But the dread of Shoddy's visit to-morrow drove away all thought for the present of resentment against Hawkesbury. I was even constrained to greet him civilly, and when he asked if I had received his letter, to say yes, I was much obliged.

However, we let the fellow rattle on at his shoppy talk, and soon arrived at Mr Shoddy's ready-made clothes establishment. I felt rather like a criminal being brought up before a judge than a customer before the tailor of his patronage. "Good evening, Mr Batchelor," said the tailor. "Take a seat, sir." I did so, and Jack took another. A long pause ensued. "You wished to see me," observed I.

"Rum thing, too," continued Horncastle, who evidently saw I was not liking it "rum thing he's dropped those new ready-made togs of his and his flash watch-chain. I wonder why " "Because they're not paid for," said another. "I know that, because I was in Shoddy's shop to-day, and he asked me to tell Batchelor the things were sold for ready money and no tick.

"Well, if you are," said Wallop, breaking in, "all I can say is, young Batchelor had better show his principle by stepping round to Shoddy's and paying his bill there, or he may `attain' to something he doesn't expect." "What do you mean?" I said. "I've only had the things a fortnight, and he said I needn't pay for them for a month."

Have you seen Shoddy's new play? Tell me all about it, and all about the latest books, and all about everything. SAVVY. You have not met Mr Haslam. Our Rector. Is he any good? FRANKLYN. I was introducing him. This is Mr Haslam. HASLAM. How d'ye do? LUBIN. I beg your pardon, Mr Haslam. I don't write. LUBIN. You dont say so; Well, what do you do? Music? Skirt-dancing? SAVVY. I dont do anything.

"Thanks," said Smith, who, I could see, felt half shy of this old comrade, "but I have to work for an exam., and it's coming off now in a week or two." "Well, Batchelor, you come," said Flanagan. I hesitated a moment, and then consented. The fact was, I suspected Flanagan might possibly get his clothes made at Shoddy's.

"Oh, good evening, Mr Batchelor, sir! The governor's compliments, sir Mr Shoddy's compliments and he'll be particularly glad if you'll step round now, sir." I owed Shoddy three pounds, and this summons fell on my ear like a knell. "Better go," said Jack. How sick Jack must be of me, thought I, by this time.

Shoddy's shop was still open, and its lord was at home. He greeted Flanagan obsequiously, as a good customer. "Ah, Shoddy, how are you? Just make out my friend's bill here, will you look sharp!" Shoddy, in as much surprise as I was, promptly obeyed, adding the interest for the last year and the next. "Knock off that last six-and-six," demanded my friend. "But that's for "