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And when my brother was about to marry that woman, and Mr. Shepler asked me to marry him, I consented. It seemed an easy way to end it all. I'd quit fondling ideals. And you had told me I must do anything I could to keep Fred from marrying that woman my people came to say the same thing and so " "If he had married her if they were married now then you would feel free to marry me?"

You know she wanted to marry Fred Milbrey, but Horace and his mother wouldn't hear of it after Avice became engaged to Rulon Shepler. I'm in the Critchleys' box to-night and I understand she's to be there. Leave it to me. Now it's after nine, so run along." "But, Mrs.

The curtains were drawn, and the only signs of life to be observed were at the kitchen end, where the white-clad cook could be seen astir. Grant, porter on the Bines car, told him the other car had been taken on at Kaslo Junction, and that it belonged to Rulon Shepler, the New York financier, who was aboard with a party of friends.

He observed Shepler strolling toward them. "I shall be staying with Aunt Cornelia a few days after to-morrow." Shepler came up. "And I shall be leaving to-morrow, Miss Milbrey." "Ah, Bines, glad to see you!" The accepted lover looked Miss Milbrey over with rather a complacent air with the unruffled confidence of assured possession.

Shepler it's plain damned insignificance, if you'll excuse the word. If that boy'd gone on he'd 'a' been one of what Billy Brue calls them high-collared Clarences no good fur anything but to spend money, and get apoplexy or worse by forty. As it is now, he'll be a man. He's got his health turned on like a steam radiator, he's full of responsibility, and he's really long-headed."

"Hear, hear!" cried Uncle Peter, and drained his glass eagerly as they drank the toast. Whereat they all laughed and Mrs. Drelmer said, "What a dear, lively wit, for an old gentleman." "Oldaker," said Shepler, "has really been the worst sufferer. This is his first trip West." "Beg pardon, Shepler! I was West as far as Buffalo let me see in 1878 or '79." "Dear me! is that so?" queried Uncle Peter.

"There's one errand to do," she said, as they entered the carriage, "but it's on our way. Have him go up Madison Avenue and deliver this." She showed him the package addressed: "Mr. Rulon Shepler, Personal." "And this," she said, giving him an unsealed note. "Read it, please!"

So this is the gist of it: I ought to marry Rulon Shepler in order to save Fred from a marriage that might get us into all sorts of scandal." "Well?" "Well, I would do a lot for Fred. He has faults, but he's always been good to me." "And so?" "And so it's a question whether he marries a very certain kind of woman or whether I marry a very different kind of man." "How do you feel?"

You are the son of the Bines who died some months ago. I heard Mr. Shepler and my father talking about some of your mining properties. Mr. Shepler thought the 'One Girl' was such a funny name for your father to give a mine." Now they neared the foot of the shaft where the rest of the party seemed to await them.

You ain't been ambitious enough. Get a down-hill pull on New York, and then branch out. Be a man of affairs like your pa, and like that fellow Shepler. Let's be somebody. If Montana City was too small fur us, that's no reason why New York should be too big." Percival had walked the floor in deep attention to the old man's words. "You've got me right, Uncle Peter," he said at last.