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"Well, now see here, Hampton, we don't want no trouble in this shebang." "I 'm not here seeking a fight, Jim," returned the inquirer, genially. "I merely wish to ask 'Red' an unimportant question or two." "He's there in the back room, I reckon, but he's damn liable to take a pot shot at you when you go in."

Me 'n' Tom had been up fully three hours knockin' about the streets tryin' to kill the best part o' the day before that shebang opened up for business, an' then somebody said they shet up at three o'clock an' went home to take a nap or whiz about in their automobiles. The whole thing's bothered me a sight, for I do like to understand things.

The big lion got his meat down, but it didn't set well, and he turned a somersault, and snarled, and pulled the bars of the cage, while the grizzly bear rolled up in a ball and rolled over in his cage till the men had to hold on to the wheels to keep the shebang from going over. The hyenas, who are always mad, went on a tear that could be heard in all the tents.

Be that as it may, she's goin' to see that Ben's shebang an' all pertainin' to it is run jest to a gnat's heel like he would run it if he was alive. But comin' down to brass tacks, she owes her good luck to exactly what most folks thought was a weak p'int in 'er.

"Your mother'd say you could have the moon, too, if she had to climb a greased pole to get it. She'd start weaving door-mats for the Cingalese Hottentots if she thought they needed 'em." "But, Harry, he " "Your mother 'ain't got the bills of this shebang to worry about, and your mother don't mind having a college sissy a-laying around the house to support five years longer. I do."

It would, in fact, be a God-send so he protested to have somebody dependable lodged in that empty house, to keep the cobwebs out of the corners and the mildew off his books and save the whole disintegrating shebang from the general rack and ruin which usually overtakes empty mansions of that type.

Frank got no further, for the shrieking of the wind drowned out every other sound. Then came a strange grinding and creaking overhead, and the barn rocked more than ever. "Get out, boys," yelled Tom. "The old shebang is going to pieces!" Tom had scarcely spoken when the shock came, and beams, boards, and shingles flew in all directions.

"Most traveling men are crazy to get into something." "Yes; that's so. We think if we had a shebang of our own we'd just make things fly; but we miss it oftener than we hit it when we do get the factory." "You're right. The man on the road with a good trade and a good salary has a pretty good thing of it." "Well, some men expect to strike it rich by silver stock. Do you know Al Bevins?"

"Hazel an' Hattie come back to me; but you can pay me rent for the time you did use 'em." "If you make me, I'll charge you board," she threatened. "An' if you charge me board, I'll charge you interest for the money I've stuck into this shebang." "You can't," Saxon laughed. "It's community property." He grunted spasmodically, as if the breath had been knocked out of him.

Another swift push of two or three miles brought them toward the foot of Mission Ridge, and near the little, unpainted frame house which had once been the home of John Ross, the chief of the Cherokees. "Boys, there's the shebang or palace of the big Injun who used to be king of all these mountains and valleys," said Si, stopping the squad to give them a much needed rest.