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Cecilia?" asked Orion eagerly; and when Sebek had replied in the affirmative and vanished again indoors, the young man, overwhelmed with painful forebodings, sank on his knees near a column to which a crucifix was hung, and lifted up his hands and soul in fervent prayer.

Wait! of course you must tell the messenger that I am coming at once have the four new Pannonians harnessed to the silver-plated chariot. I must go to my mother; but there is time enough for that. Desire Sebek to have the guest-chambers prepared for distinguished guests those sick people are out of them, thank God! Take my present room for them too; I will go back to the old one.

On the helmsman answering, 'in Phanes' service, the royal boat passed on slowly. Remember, Psamtik has promised us fifty gold rings if we bring the Athenian to Sais dead or alive. This is the report of Sebek, who has been in your service seven years, O Phanes." To both these accounts Phanes listened calmly. Rhodopis trembled.

I was on the point of returning to relate what I had seen, when the boatman Sebek swam up once more and told as follows: The Egyptians had caused a leak to be made in Phanes' boat, and at a short distance from land it had filled and began to sink.

The woman flew off to the viridarium to call Sebek, who was standing in front of the tablinum with the Vekeel; she told him what had happened, and the Negro gave him leave to obey his dying mistress, escorting him as far as the gate.

"The great emerald has been cut from the hanging during the night." Dame Neforis explained. "You yourself went with the man who carried it to the tablinum and saw it laid there." "And in the very cloth in which your people had wrapped it," added Orion. "Our good old Sebek there was with me. Who fetched away the bale this morning; who brought it here and opened it?"

Sebek was one of the oldest and one of the most evil of the Egyptian gods. In the Fayum he was worshipped, as well as at Kom Ombos, and there, in the holy lake of his temple, were numbers of holy crocodiles, which Strabo tells us were decorated with jewels like pretty women.

Amen, the local god of Thebes, becomes Amen-Ra with the political rise of his city, and even the old Crocodile-god, Sebek, soars into the sky as Sebek-Ra. The only other movement in the religion of ancient Egypt, comparable in importance to this solar development, was the popular cult of Osiris as God of the Dead, and with it the official religion had to come to terms.

Sebek and her maid had evaded her enquiries, and would say no more than that Amru's representative had come to speak with the young master. It seemed to be something important, perhaps some false accusation.

Have you been beaten?" The negro shook his head and answered, whimpering: "Keraunus is going to sell me." "There are better masters than he." "But Sebek is old, Sebek is weak he can no longer lift and pull, and with hard work he will certainly die." "Has life been so easy and comfortable then at the steward's?" "Very little wine, very little meat, very much hunger," said the old man.