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"I warrant," said a wiseacre, contracting the brown leather of his brow in suspicious wrinkles, "some scalawag is doing this!" Yes, it could not be otherwise: there was somebody setting fires!

All day long, the letter hung like a cloud over young Mr. Rigby. He was to have lunched with Graydon, and was much relieved when young Bansemer telephoned that he could not join him. Rigby found himself in a very uncomfortable position. If the stories from New York were true, even though he knew none of the inside facts, Graydon's father was pretty much of a scalawag, to say the least.

"Let's go out on the verandah and talk it over." "Don't trust him too implicitly, Miss Thorpe," warned Betty; "my brother is a first-grade scalawag, and I want you to be forewarned!" "There, there, Sis, I'll do my own forewarning. Come along, Miss Thorpe, we'll sit under the spreading wistaria tree." The two disappeared, and there was a moment's silence, and then Patty said,

It's not really her fault, I suppose her wicked old scalawag of a father is to blame for it. She's never darkened a church or school door in her life and they say she's always been a regular tomboy running wild outdoors with dogs, and fishing and shooting like a man. Nobody ever goes there the Captain doesn't want visitors.

He then went to another place to speak but was followed by the crowd, which refused to allow him to say anything. All Republicans in good standing had to join the League and swear that secession was treason a rather stiff dose for the scalawag. Albion W. Tourgee, the author, a radical judge, was the first chief of the League in North Carolina and was succeeded by Governor Holden.

"Don't w-worry about things beforehand. Nothin's ever as bad as you figure it's goin' to be. A lickin' don't last but a few minutes, an' if you get b-busy enough it's the other fellow that's liable to absorb it. Watch that r-rampageous scalawag Dud Hollister an' do like he does." "Yes, sir." "An' don't forget that every m-mornin' begins a new day. Tha's all, son."

So he and a good many others gave themselves to raising cotton, and for a while left the choice of State officers and legislators to "niggers," "carpet-baggers," and "scalawags." A "scalawag" was any Southern white who allied himself politically with the negroes, and a "carpet-bagger" was a Northern adventurer, for whose worldly goods a gripsack sufficed, or, in general, any Northerner whatever.

I knew that that young fellow poor fool, he paid dearly for her I knew that he had turned her head. That's the way with some women they go their own gait, they're off with one and on with another, and then they end by becoming the slave of some scalawag who robs and abuses them! He used to beat her, your honor, many and many a time, your honor!

"Mozart's Don Giovanni," by Charles Gounod, p. 3. It was the scalawag Schikaneder who had put together the singular dramatic phantasmagoria known as Mozart's "Magic Flute," and acted the part of the buffoon in it, who, having donned the garb of respectability, commissioned Beethoven to compose the only opera which that supreme master gave to the world.

His voice quavered, however, and he gulped. "It's thet scalawag, an' he wanted us t' know it! Ain't ev'ry Injun in fifty mile shet up tight in yon corral? Ev'ry one 'cept Charley an' this ain't the job o' thet blamed fool. No, siree! An' then, th' mules didn' make no row las' night. They'd a shore snorted if it was Injuns " "I guess that's so," agreed Dallas, hastily, and made him a warning sign.