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Yet she felt she must see Rossiter writing was always dangerous and inadequate and reason with him; beg him not to spoil his own chances in life for her, not lose his head in politics and personal animosities on her behalf, as he seemed likely to do. As to Frank Gardner, she was equally eager for a long explanatory talk with him.

"Peter, ask Miss Rossiter if she will have some more tea...." Oh! What a fool he is! What an absolute ass! On the second of these two meetings she had read "Reuben Hallard." She loved it! She thought it astounding! The most wonderful first novel she had ever read. How had he been able to make one feel Cornwall so? She had been once to Cornwall, to Mullion and it had been just like that!

At quarter to six when Peter was in despair and Alice Galleon had ordered the tea-things to be taken away Clare Rossiter rushed in. She stood a whirlwind of flying colours in the middle of the Studio now sinking into twilight. "Alice dear, I am most terribly sorry but mother would stay. I couldn't get her to leave and it was all so awkward. How do you do, Mr. Westcott?

And there was nothin' to stop 'im a-marryin' me, if that was all he wanted to feel comfortable about it. But jus' see. "Now there's you, burning yourself out 'cos your high principles won't let you go for once in a way on the spree with this Rossiter s'posin' 'e's game, of course.... You've too much pride to throw yourself at his head.

Every city, hamlet, and village has its Harland Rossiter. He need not be explained. But Honora soon became grave again. "No, but you ought to dress as though you were somebody, and different from the ordinary man on the street." "But I'm not," objected Peter. "Oh," cried Honora, "don't you want to be? I can't understand any man not wanting to be.

The day turned out very bleak and wet, and we both got thoroughly soaked through before we got back to the vessel, which was not until about two in the afternoon; I was then obliged to borrow a dry suit from the Captain, whilst my own clothes were drying. June 5. From this time until the fourteenth of June I remained on board the Mississippi, enjoying the hospitality of Captain Rossiter.

Rossiter patted his bump of perceptiveness and smiled serenely until he came plump up against the realization that she might not come by way of Fossingford at all, or, in any event, she might go whisking through to some station farther north. His speculations came to an end in the shape of a distressing resolution. He would remain in Fossingford and watch the trains go by!

He was small and nervous, with a quick eye. He always wore me down after a few hours, because he was restless and untiring. He was named Romeyn Rossiter one of those well-born names. We had met in times before the advent of the telescopic lens, and he used a box camera, tuned to a fiftieth of a second.

Rossiter bore with his humour in so patient and self-denying a spirit that his efforts failed lamentably and only made the situation worse than it had been before. Clare seemed to be now entirely in her mother's hands; she put her mother's large flat body between herself and Peter and, through that, they were compelled to talk.

Let this terrible record of lack of employment and misery be compared with the prosperity under Republican rule. "One of the most effective speakers in this campaign for the restoration of Prosperity," said the Rossiter Banner, "is Mr. Hugh Paret, of the firm of Watling, Fowndes and Ripon. Mr. Paret's speech at the Opera-House last evening made a most favourable impression. Mr.