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What do you suppose is in it?" "I have not the least idea. What is?" "A cash box from the Riverton bank, a packet of registered letters for our office, some stamps, money and other things." "And you found it here?" "Yes, half on the bank and half in the water." "How did it get there?" "Thrown from the bridge by the robbers. They did not want to be found with it on them I suppose.

"I feel as if I were visiting my grandmother's house," he confided to a certain lady next whom he was seated at one of Mrs. Hemingway's small dinners. "And where is your mother's house?" wondered the lady, who found herself attracted to him. "Over home in Riverton," said Peter Champneys.

But Katherine, whose face was buried in the cushions of the lounge, did not hear him and when she looked up he was gone. Katharine felt that life was stale, flat and unprofitable when she alighted at Riverton station in the dusk of the next evening. She was not expected until a later train and there was no one to meet her.

He sat beside her last bed, and remembered the cold hand that had crept into his, the faltering whisper that prayed him to take his chance when it came, and to prove himself. If he refused this miraculous opportunity, there would be Riverton, and the hardware store, or other country stores similar to it, to the end of his days.

And first of all, let me introduce to you, under a new name, Mr Horace Walters, the only son and only child of your late squire, and the present and, I trust for many happy years to come, future proprietor of the Riverton estate." He paused as the whole company rose to their feet and vociferously cheered the young master.

John Price and his family tenanted a tolerably roomy cottage at the entrance to the village, close to the horse-pond. The poor man had seen better days, having acted as steward to the young squire from the time he came into the property till he disappeared with his infant son and an old nurse who had lived for nearly two generations on the Riverton estate.

He would hardly be able to take Peter's bare word for it, even if Peter should tell him: he didn't know that his absent-minded clerk really liked him, and longed to tell him that he was leaving Riverton shortly he hoped for years and years and was only awaiting the message that should speed his departure. Mr.

"He may anyhow, Dick," returned Arthur. "He has been doing something of this sort for the News in Riverton. They have not been signed, but I know that they were his from a line or two that I heard him repeating to himself in the tent when he did not know that any one was around. I recognized them afterwards in one of the poems published in the paper.

"No, but I am glad to get it just the same. It means a good deal to me, Dick, although I suppose you regard it as a mere trifle." "Well, not so much after all," laughed Dick, "but, come on. I want to stop at the office of the Riverton News. I furnish them with school items now and then and this is the day before publication. You might tell the editor of your experience yesterday.

Laughter and delighted comments greeted the bird-cage, and her carpet-bag received almost as much attention and applause. Riverton hadn't seen a bag like that since Reconstruction, and it made the most of its opportunity. "Emma! Aren't you afraid you'll let the cat out of the bag?" Emma remained haughtily silent. "Emma, where you-all goin'?" "We-all gwine whah we gwine, dat 's whah we gwine."