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"Do you think you're going to like it?" and Katy, in the same cautious whisper, responded, "I'm not quite sure." And so ended the first day at the nunnery. "Oh! what is it? What has happened?" cried Clover, starting up in bed, the next morning, as a clanging sound roused her suddenly from sleep. It was only the rising-bell, ringing at the end of Quaker Row.

Georgia had stolen him and put a ring around his tail, and the lizard was protesting vigorously in a metallic shriek that turned out, after awhile, to be the Belden House breakfast-bell jangling outside her door. "They never ring the rising-bell as loud as that," wailed Betty, when she had consulted her clock and made sure that she had slept over.

She thought that she was back home and Aunt Debby had slipped in to see that she was properly covered. Satisfied that this was so, she fell sound asleep. It was broad day when she was awakened by someone bending over her. She felt the touch of lips on her forehead and the sound of a sweet musical voice. "Wake up, little roommate. The rising-bell rang long ago. You will miss breakfast."

"Was was that the rising-bell or the breakfast-bell?" "'Twas the breakfast-bell." There was dead silence for a moment, and then Budge shouted: "Well, we'll call that the risin'-bell. You can ring another bell for breakfast pretty soon when I get dressed."

Ruby wiped away her tears after a time, and Aunt Emma went to bed with her, that the little girl might feel loving arms about her, and not remember how far she was away from home and from her mother and father. At half-past six the next morning, the rising-bell sounded through the house, and Ruby sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, trying to remember where she was, and what the bell was.

But that was no great matter, as all the family had been witnesses to the wedding and were somewhat sleepy in consequence and the "rising-bell" was a movable form anyway. Perhaps if the nuptials had been less festive the demeanor of the bride immediately afterwards would not have been so conspicuous.

In the middle of the afternoon it had been discovered that no bell had been provided for waking the students, so a messenger went to the village to beg help of Mrs. At six o'clock the next morning two students, side by side, walked through all the corridors, ringing the rising-bell, an act, as Miss Eastman says, symbolic of the inner awakening to come to all those girls."

Blue Bonnet turned out the light in her room, which she had left burning, and threw up the window blinds, letting in a stream of silver light. "I reckon we can undress by that," she said, "and I can get up an hour earlier in the morning and unpack." But the rising-bell had been sounding some seconds when Blue Bonnet opened her eyes to the light the next morning.

Maurice woke next morning to a deep sadness, as if some bitter calamity had befallen. In a moment the conversation of the previous evening rushed to his mind, and his gloom rather deepened than grew less. The rising-bell had rung, and he rose languidly in the cold, gray twilight.

"Isn't it beastly?" she remarked. "I should call it foul," said Catherine, beginning to comb out her great braids. "Why not fish-ous?" suggested Alice mischievously, whereupon Hannah pitched a pillow at her. "Ow! Look out for my glasses!" "Well, don't make such flat puns then. I believe you sleep with your glasses on. How funny they must look staring away in the dark. There goes the rising-bell.