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For an instant the sorrowful face lighted, the square chin trembled, and the hands thrust out towards Lawless, but suddenly dropped. "Go," he said humbly, "and leave me here. We must not meet again. . . I have had one moment of respite. . . . Go." Without a word, Lawless turned and made his way to the Fort.

It is said that on one occasion a head was presented to Antony, and he exclaimed: "I do not recognize it, show it to my wife"; and that on another, when a man begged a few moments of respite that he might send his son to intercede with Antony, he was told that it was that son who had demanded his death.

Gilli did not behave well to me. Yet I have heard that he is very kind to his wife. It is likely that he would give you costly things " Helga's foot stamped upon the deck. "What do I care for that?" He knew how little she cared. He gave up any further attempts at diplomacy. But her next words granted him a respite. "What was the message that you wrote to my mother for Leif?"

But with a supreme effort he managed to catch breath, and then there was a moment of respite, and Kate could see that he was thinking of the next struggle, for he breathed avariciously, letting the air that had cost him so much agony pass slowly through his lips.

First of all he takes me inside a temple-like building and gives me a drink of tea and a few minutes' respite from the annoying pressure of the crowds; he then conducts me along a street that looks somewhat familiar, leads me to the gate I first entered, and points triumphantly in the direction of Canton!

With great difficulty, a certain lady obtained his respite; and after the conquest of the place, and the departure of the troops, the adventurous son was released." "A fit subject for your local poets," said Walter, whom stories of this sort, from the nature of his own enterprise, especially affected. "Yes: but we boast but few minstrels since the young Aram left us.

Had my lot, when she left me, been still the steepings of bitterness, the stings of penury, the moody silence of hope, the damp and chill of sunless and aidless years, which rust the very iron of the soul away; had my lot been thus, as it had been, I could have borne her death, I could have looked upon her grave, and wept not, nay, I could have comforted my own struggles with the memory of her escape; but thus, at the very moment of prosperity, to leave the altered and promising earth, 'to house with darkness and with death; no little gleam of sunshine, no brief recompense for the agonizing past, no momentary respite between tears and the tomb.

I knew not my fate, till three ruffians made their appearance at my bedside, and communicated their commission. "I called on the name of Thetford and his wife. I entreated a moment's delay, till I had seen these persons, and endeavoured to procure a respite from my sentence. They were deaf to my entreaties, and prepared to execute their office by force. I was delirious with rage and terror.

General Gates, the reputed victor at Saratoga, was also ordered South, and put in command of the Southern forces. For awhile the enemy remained quiet, Cornwallis delaying the devastation of South Carolina until the maturing crops should be safe. This respite gave the Carolinians time to collect their forces on the South Carolina border, in order to drive back the enemy.

"By my head," saith Lancelot, "Needeth no argument that I shall choose respite of death to dying here on the spot. But I marvel me of this that you are so fairly apparelled to receive your death." "Sir," saith the Knight, "He that would go before the Saviour of the World ought of right to apparel him as fairly as he may.