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Similarly fevers in the aged are not so acute, because their bodies are cold. 'In disease sleep that is laborious is a deadly symptom; but if sleep relieves it is not deadly. 'Sleep that puts an end to delirium is a good symptom. 'If a convalescent eats well, but does not put on flesh, it is a bad symptom.

The day-musquito relieves his comrade at sunrise and remains on duty till sunset. He has no song, but his bite is none the less severe. He disappears at the approach of winter, but his tuneful brother remains. Musquito nettings are a necessity all the year round. The public walks of New Orleans are justly the pride of the inhabitants. Canal Street is probably the prettiest street in America.

With English capital and enterprise putting new life into those old hills, and cajoling the precious beverage out of their bosom, which unskilled engineers let go to waste, Cadiz should shortly have reason to bless the foreign company that relieves its thirst.

"They're almost half-way here as it is," continued Will; "and rowing like fun, let me tell you! Well, that relieves my mind a heap. I couldn't feel altogether easy about the boys, knowing what an old tub that boat is at best. But it's all right, Frank; and I think I can drink another cup of coffee on that."

But the best is, a little exertion or a change of the current of thought relieves me. God, who subjects us to these strange maladies, whether of mind or body I cannot say, has placed the power within our own reach, and we should be grateful. I wrestled myself so far out of the Slough of Despond as to take a good long walk, and my mind is restored to its elasticity.

Bradford, looking on sullenly, mistook the new boss's frown for more to follow, with himself for the target, and was moving away. Lidgerwood pointed to a chair with a curt, "Sit down!" and the conductor obeyed reluctantly. "You say you have your clearance card, and that you are not despatching trains," he went on evenly, "but neither fact relieves you of your responsibility.

The storms, which usually come from the ocean, are intercepted by this range, and the greater portion of their moisture is taken away. The little moisture that remains falls upon the highlands of the Great Basin, and so relieves its surface from utter barrenness.

Now it turns out that he had got hold of some resolutions passed at some convention or public meeting in Kane County. I wish to say here, that I don't conceive that in any fair and just mind this discovery relieves me at all. I had just as much to do with the convention in Kane County as that at Springfield.

Perfect recovery is most likely with the body in a recumbent position, which relieves the muscles from any strain. These facts are better appreciated than formerly, hence most physicians encourage their obstetrical patients to remain in bed somewhat longer than their mothers did. Generally nothing else will be required, and only under extraordinary circumstances will nature need assistance.

It reads thus: 'After a variety of vicissitudes, she had embraced the Romish faith: that religion which relieves from all personal responsibility in spiritual matters; and which teaches that earthly penance and ascetic observances will open the gates of heaven to the vilest of criminals. We have studied Westminster, Episcopal, and Catholic catechisms, the teachings in all three of which are that faith in Christ and sorrow for and renunciation of sin alone can open the gates of heaven.