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Here, indeed, is a chief reason why the perspective of the play is different from the perspective of the novel, in that the playwright must perforce take account of his audience, of its likes and its dislikes, of its traditions and its desires. The novelist need not give a thought to his readers, assured that those in sympathy with his attitude and his mood will find him out sooner or later.

But, in order not to offend against propriety, and not to deserve the reproaches of an honest man, I felt that it was my duty to have an explanation with the captain in the first place. I fancy that I hear one of those sensible, calm, passionless readers, who have had the advantage of what is called a youth without storms, or one of those whom old age has forced to become virtuous, exclaim,

To my readers who have never had the experience of riding a long distance in a sedan chair I would say that it is a most uncomfortable conveyance, as you have to sit perfectly still and absolutely straight, otherwise the chair is liable to upset. This ride was a very long one and I felt quite stiff and tired by the time I reached the Palace gates.

"Tell you what," said Sam on going to bed that night, "I almost wish Christmas came once a week instead of once a year!" It was on the day following Christmas that Dick brought out the brass-lined money casket which he had picked up in the cave on Needle Point Island, in Lake Huron, as related in a previous volume of this series. As old readers know, this cave was stumbled upon by accident.

The writers who represented them were satisfied in rousing in their readers pity for the victims of this social disorder, victims so wounded by fate, that they have not even a realization of the injustice with which they are treated. And it is only in the works of the great dramatist Ostrovsky that we find any happy vagabonds, with a deep love of nature and beauty.

It is not quite clear that the remission of the stamp-duty would be an entire gain; for a postage of a penny in sending to second, third, and fourth readers each fresh hand requiring to adhibit a fresh postage label might come to a very much more severe tax than the existing stamp. Much, however, can be said on both sides; and we desire to let each party state its own case.

And because the majority of readers do not think for themselves, they are drawn into the current of unrest which has thus been suggested to their imagination, each individual augmenting its strength until it grows into a torrent of folly. This proves the tremendous importance it is to a nation that each of its units should realise his own responsibility in regard to this matter.

There was in those days a great land-locked harbour from Pont-de-Briques right up to the Narrows, as the readers of the Gaule Romaine must know. There was a high hill just at the place where she would have been setting that night you may see it to-day.

Farewell." I went back to my room, and in course of time Stuard came to thank me. "Sir," said I, "let me alone; I wish to hear no more about your wife." They went away the next day for Lyons, and my readers will hear of them again at Liege. In the afternoon Dolci took me to his garden that I might see the gardener's sister. She was pretty, but not so pretty as he was.

"I hope you will have a prosperous journey." Later on my readers will hear how I found him at Genoa. It is a good thing to know something about people of his kind, of whom there are far too many in the world. I called up the landlord and told him I wanted a delicate supper for three in my own room. He told me that I should have it, and then said, "I have just had a row with the Chevalier Stuard."