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The stream narrowed as it approached the ravine, and Leon and Guapo could see each other, and hear every word distinctly. Guapo now cried out "Drop one! young master only one!" Leon heard, and, being a sharp boy, understood what was meant. Up to this moment he had not thought of parting with his "cats" in fact, it was because he had not thought of it.

From that height you could see across the tops of the trees down to the plain below; but what Mowgli looked at was the sides of the ravine, and he saw with a great deal of satisfaction that they ran nearly straight up and down, while the vines and creepers that hung over them would give no foothold to a tiger who wanted to get out. 'Let them breathe, Akela, he said, holding up his hand.

It did not last, however, and when we reached our stopping-place, it was raining below and snowing above us. The next morning our road dropped into a ravine, bringing something to admire at every turn. Leaving our course, we visited the Cascade of Horsfall, the beauty of which amply repaid us for the delay it cost.

A Rabbi said, when they asked him when a man should repent, 'Repent on the last day of your lives. And they said, 'But we do not know when that will be. And he said, 'Then repent now. So I say, because some of you may never hear Christ's Gospel again, and because none of us know whether we shall or not; make sure work of it now, and do not let Jesus Christ go out of the city and up the road between the hills yonder; for if once the folds of the ravine shut Him from sight He will never be back in Jericho, or seen by Zacchaeus any more for ever.

Sherman's Brigade, too, has come over from our left, and now advances upon the deadly plateau, where lie the disabled Union batteries the prizes, in full sight of both Armies, for which each seems now to be so desperately striving. Down the slope, across the ravine, and up, on the other side, steadily presses Quinby, till he reaches the crest. He opens fire.

Then, choking back the scream which rose to her lips, she set off running in the direction of the spot where Tony had vanished from sight. Breathless, her heart thudding painfully in her side, Ann reached the ravine and, throwing herself face downwards on the ground, crawled to the edge.

Against this the sea was already beginning to break, but we galloped past through several feet of water, and in five minutes drew rein at the mouth of the ravine. It had been a hard ride, but we had won the race with a clear ten minutes to spare, and were now on the southern side of the snowy mountain range, less than sixty miles from Lesnoi.

Besides, in order to carry out the scheme which he had formed, it was necessary that two at least should remain in the cave, while the others were on the outside. Under the direction of the trapper, the steam man slowly approached the ravine, keeping at a respectful distance, but so near that if any sudden emergency should arise, they would be able to render assistance to their friends.

The herd, bull included, then entered the jungly ravine, and presently reappeared a little further down and on the right of the ravine with a calf which had evidently been left in the ravine, and filed along the slope. The bull, however, had remained behind.

And Emilie kept that unspoken promise. "I think, after all, the ravine is the nicest place for stories," said Jewel the next day. The sun had dried the soaked grass, and not only did the leaves look freshly polished from their bath, but the swollen brook seemed to be turning joyous little somersaults over its stones when Mrs. Evringham, Jewel, and Anna Belle scrambled down to its bank.