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Suddenly, a movement on the part of one of them attracted the attention of the fox-terrier, and he flew out into the scrub, barking furiously. The pack, in crescent formation, retreated perhaps a dozen paces, saliva trickling from their curling lips. The terrier plunged valiantly forward, hopping the first low bushes, as a terrier will when rabbiting or ratting.

He thinks "ratting" on a Sunday with a good Scotch terrier is better than the "ranting" of a good Scotch divine for the Presbyterian element has latterly made its appearance among us. Like the homeopathic doctor described in the sketch, this gentleman combines a variety of professions "rolled into one."

At this question, so gravely put, I laughed outright "Why really, my dear Count, I cannot pretend to answer decidedly for the turn that the affair might take; but my impression to speak in that idiomatic English, more racy than elegant, which you pique yourself upon understanding my full impression is, that Helen having for no reason upon earth but her interest in you, ratted from Conservatism to Radicalism, will for the same cause lose no time in ratting back again.

His entry was hailed by a chorus of barking from dogs of all sorts and sizes, from the bulldog down to the ratting terrier. "Glad to see you, Mr. Thorndyke," Gibbons said, when he had silenced the barking.

After literally ratting her in a separate chapter, he winds up his work with the solemn assurance that he abstains "from pronouncing judgment because the complete evidence did not seem to me to warrant my doing so." This is positively delicious.

She shook her head with much gravity and then read what he had written: "Wanted, by the Earl of Kingsmead, a tutor. Oxford man preferred. Must be fond of sport, particularly ratting and cricket." "Do you think it's all right?" he asked, as he read it. "Y yes only there isn't any 'k' in 'particularly. But I think we'd better ask someone, little brother.

'She has a fellow-feeling for rats perhaps, said Justin, laughing at what he thought his own wit. 'No girl would like horrid things like ratting, said Pat, 'and if papa knew he stopped short. 'Doesn't Mr. Hervey know that you've got ferrets? asked Rosamond. 'I don't suppose he's ever thought about it, said Justin; 'he's never said we weren't to have them.

"It's my belief," said John, "that they're all ratting." "Vijal!" cried Potts, savagely, "tackle him." Vijal rushed forward. At that instant Asgeelo bounded forward also with one tremendous leap, and seizing Vijal by the throat hurled him to the floor. The stranger waved his hand. "Let him go!" said he. Asgeelo obeyed. "What the devil's the meaning of this?" cried John, looking around in dismay.

He was up and away upon the mill-stream before breakfast; and the forenoon he devoted to his favourite course first down the Craddock stream, a very pretty confluent of the Culm, and from its junction, down the pleasant hams, where the river winds toward Uffculme. It was my privilege to accompany this hero, as his humble Sancho; while Bolt and the faster race went up the river ratting.

"Ratting seems to have more excuse," the tutor said, and made no sign of a liking for either of those popular pastimes. As he disapproved without squeamishness, the impulsive but sharply critical woman close by nodded; and she gave him his dues for being no courtier. Leo had to be off to bed.