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"We're up against it," Delaney was saying. "This new umpire, Fuller, hasn't got it in for us. Oh, no, not at all! Believe me, he's a robber. But Scott is pitchin' well. Won his last three games. He'll bother 'em. And the three Reds have broken loose. They're on the rampage. They'll burn up this place today." Somebody noted the absence of Gilbat. Delaney gave a sudden start.

The second and graver error was, allowing the parson to go first, when they started in earnest. The light, lithe body of the soldier could glide over the roof with the silent swiftness of a cat "on the rampage;" the same animal, shod with walnut-shells, suggests itself as an apt, though irreverent comparison for the priestly fugitive.

I must explain this mining deal that phase of it which sent me on the rampage in Granville. I should have done so before, should have insisted on making it clear to you. But a fellow doesn't always do the proper thing at the proper time. All too frequently we are dominated by our emotions rather than by our judgment. It was so with me.

An' the coin's genuine. Thet's all been proved. The truth is Oldrin's on a rampage. A while back he lost his Masked Rider, an' they say he's wild about thet. I'm wonderin' if Lassiter could hev told the rustler anythin' about thet little masked, hard-ridin' devil. Ride! He was most as good as Jerry Card. An', Bern, I've been wonderin' if you know "

Then the wind went off on a rampage again, and I couldn't see. I couldn't move forward. I couldn't even breathe. Then I got frightened. I leaned there against the wind calling for Dinky-Dunk and Olie, whenever I could gasp breath enough to make a sound. But I might as well have been a baby crying in mid-ocean to a Kensington Gardens nurse. Then I knew I was lost.

All the women in Jenkintown seemed on the rampage, at least all those we are dealing with. "Josh., you lazy, good for nothing fellow, I have been looking all over the village for you!" "Why, you ought to know you could find me here," said Josh. "Come home at once; sister wants you to watch the house to-night! some one has been lurking around there, and she wants you to find out who it is."

At this crisis, when everyone laughed and talked at once, Bess came floating through the upper hall and looked down like an angel of peace upon the noisy group below, as she asked, with wondering eyes and smiling lips: 'What is it? 'An indignation meeting. Nan and Alice are on the rampage, and we are at the bar to be tried for our lives.

But it must have been an echo, for no one came; and after another rampage round his prison, the poor boy nestled down among the leaves, and went fast asleep because there was nothing else to do. So there they were, the two young hunters, lost at midnight on the mountain, one hanging like an apple on the old tree, and the other sound asleep in a bear-pit.

"Do you hear that, Ingmar?" asked the old man. "Yes; that must be a dog on the rampage." Then they heard the bark more distinctly; it seemed to be coming nearer, as if the beast were heading straight for the hut. The old man seized Ingmar by the wrist. "Come, boy!" he said. "Get into the house as quick as you can!" "What's the matter?" asked Ingmar, astonished. "Get in, I tell you!"

"Red how're your horses?" was Neale's query, following the greeting. "Wintered well, but cost me all I had. I'm shore busted," replied Larry. "I've plenty of money," said Neale, "and what's mine is yours. Come on, Red. We'll get light packs and hit the trail for the Wyoming hills." "Wal, I reckoned so ... Neale, it's shore goin' to be risky. The Injuns are on the rampage already.