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Thus did I meditate upon this singular note my delight at being once more "free" mingling with some chagrin that I was jockied, and by a young miss of eighteen, too. Confoundedly disagreeable if the mess knew it, thought I. Per Baccho how they would quiz upon my difficulty to break off a match, when the lady was only anxious to get rid of me.

"I can win the quiz," he said casually. "It's easy. Let me know if either of you want to win. Of course you might end up in jail if you're not real careful, but I think it'll work." Scotty looked his disbelief. "Easy, huh? What are you expert on?" "Nothing," Rick said airily. "And anything. Of course we all know you're an expert on eating, but that's not a category, it's a capacity."

THAT your Dedicator has perused, with feelings of virtuous indignation, a work purporting to be ‘Sketches of Young Ladies;’ written by Quiz, illustrated by Phiz, and published in one volume, square twelvemo.

"A pleasant allusion, I must say," said Mrs Wickham, tossing her ringlets; then, beginning to giggle: "But you was always a quiz, Wickham, and don't mean the half you say. You know how I hate travelling alone, whereas you and me could pick up some friends on the way, and have a hand at cards. Don't drink no more now. You will want your head clear for the races.

"Oh, then," said Jack, "the power of spinning depends upon the bulk of the spinner?" "Oh, Master Jack, I thought you had been ill, that you had not commenced quizzing us before." "Never mind him, Soffy," said her father; "to quote Hudibras, "There's nothing on earth hath so perfect a phiz, As not to give birth to a passable quiz."

No one seemed, however, inclined to quiz him. When he was on deck, I heard the gentlemen in the cabin wondering who he was, for none of them had the slightest notion about the matter; and if the captain knew, he certainly would not tell them. The negro never spoke to any of the passengers or crew.

"Who do you think has been here?" said Mary, after our first greeting. "I cannot guess," replied I. "Not old Tom and his son?" "No; I don't think it was old Tom, but it was such an old quiz with such a nose O heavens! I thought I should have died with laughing as soon as he went downstairs. Do you know, Jacob, that I made love to him, just to see how he'd take it. You know who it is now?"

I rattled my paper briskly and kept well behind it. "Yes," I murmured husbandly, "delicious, delicious! My dear, you certainly plan the most delightful meals." Meanwhile I was glancing feverishly at the daily Quiz column to see if that noble cascade of popular information might give any help. It did not. Clear brown eyes looked across the table gravely.

Thorpe's lodgings, and the feelings of the discerning and unprejudiced reader of Camilla gave way to the feelings of the dutiful and affectionate son, as they met Mrs. Thorpe, who had descried them from above, in the passage. "Ah, Mother! How do you do?" said he, giving her a hearty shake of the hand. "Where did you get that quiz of a hat? It makes you look like an old witch.

"Really," he added, "I ought to know better than to quiz you about your instructions from your superior officer." "Yes, sir," assented the midshipman, simply. Eph turned on the current to the search-light, swinging the ray about the bay. Then, too impatient to sit in the conning tower, the submarine boy took his place by the deck wheel. "Will your seamen cast loose from the moorings?"