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Une autre coutume encore est que quand un ambassadeur a été présenté au seigneur, celui-ci, jusqu'

Change the spelling without altering the pronunciation, and you get quand on sent des gouties, and, lo! you have it at once le Parapluie the faithful friend whose presence we most desire when we wish least for the necessity of it; the burden of our fine days, the shelter of our wet ones. Or again, would you like a verse or two on the same subject?

They went to dances together, Hélène in a mask. Hélène gave her poet a crown of myrtle and laurel. They had childish quarrels and swore eternal fidelity. It was for her that Ronsard made the most exquisite of his sonnets: Quand vous serez bien vieille-a sonnet of which Mr. Yeats has written a magical version in English.

Mon compagnon, le mamelouck, et moi, qui n'en avions point, nous allâmes nous établir dans un jardin. Mais quand ces deux hommes me virent bien vêtu, ayant bon cheval, belle épée, bon tarquais, ils proposèrent au mamelouck, ainsi que lui-même me l'avoua par la suite lorsque nous nous séparâmes, de se défaire de moi, vu que j'étois chrétien et indigne d'être dans leur compagnie.

But as long as our press teems with writings drawn with a view of irritating persons here, we shall never be able to exercise the influence which we ought to have upon this question, and which we really possess. Letter to Mr. Wilberforce, October 8, 1814. The real power in Spain is in the clergy. October 20, 1814. Les choses neuves, surtout quand elles sont compliquées, ne vont pas bien.

Although our quaint author considered the above charm even too marvellous for his belief, we give below his own prescription in which he placed implicit confidence, but, no doubt, on trial it would prove "as singularly efficacious" as the other'. Baing pour lauer, les chiens, quand ils ont este mords des chiens enragez, de peur qu'ils enragent.

These proverbial maxims and heroic expressions, gleaned from French tragedies or the classic page, were written with the blood which they had drawn from their own veins. In one place is carefully written, "Quand il n'a pu sauver la liberté de Rome, Caton est libre encore et suit mourir en homme."

"Quand partirons-nous?" asked Francois, wading down the shingle, pack on back. "Aussitot que tout sera pret la-bas," answered the corporal, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Bah! ces gueux d'Anglais! Monsieur le General en a par dessus les yeux." Kit followed the man's eyes. A track of feet led from the lugger to the creek across the wet sand.

Morgan's librarian could have given her the peculiar position she now enjoys, a position that is known to few of the people she plays about with in her leisure hours. She has adopted the mottoes of the two contemporaries she has most admired: Mr. Morgan's "Onward and Upward" and Sarah Bernhardt's "Quand Même."

The artillery played first upon what was called the "White Tower," which happened to bear this ancient, rhyming inscription: "When every man receives his own, And justice reigns for strong and weak, Perfect shall be this tower of stone, And all the dumb will learn to speak." "Quand chacun sera satisfaict, Et la justice regnera, Ce boulevard sera parfaict, Et la muette parlera." Valenciennes MS.