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He stood by me in my troubles, an' now his trouble's come, I'm a gwine to stan' by him. I used to think Gundover's wife war jealous ob my Katie. She war so much puttier. Gundover's wife couldn't tech my Katie wid a ten foot pole."

She stared at him blankly and spoke with rushing indignation: "Desert him my baby my own flesh and blood? There's never been a minute since I looked into his eyes that I wouldn't 'a' died fur him." She paused and sobbed. "He had such pretty eyes, stranger. They looked like your'n only they wuz puttier and bluer."

"An' the other part on't was," he said, "she an' that young feller of our'n was walkin' together, an' a putty slick pair they made too." "Ain't she purty?" said Mrs. Bixbee. "They don't make 'em no puttier," affirmed David; "an' they was a nice pair. I couldn't help thinkin'," he remarked, "what a nice hitch up they'd make." "Guess the' ain't much chance o' that," she observed.

I told her that too. The woman was silent for a moment, and then, with a thickening of the husky voice, she said: "S'pose you'll say I'm a bleedin' liar, but I 'ad a kid as putty as that onct puttier. It was a boy. The nobbiest little b as you ever come acrost. Your'n is putty, but it ain't in it with my Billie, not by a long chalk." I asked her what had become of her child.

And thar ain't a puttier girl in all this here section, although she hain't got as many clothes as she ought to have, a goin' a way off on a bridal tower." "Gittin' putty nigh the eend." "Laws a massy. Time was when I never dreamed that you'd slander yo' own kith an' kin. An' come right from yo' daughter's weddin' an' swopped hosses with a preacher. It was a sin and a shame.

He! He!" And a wheezy laugh filled the room. "Shut up, you old sardine! You don't talk enough. If you did you'd get along better. I'll tell you, Mr. O'Day, what Sam does. Sam's a patcher-up a 'puttier. That's what he is. Sam can get more quality out of a piece of sandpaper, a pot of varnish, and a little glue than any man in the business.

"Well, if she's come home, I s'pose I may as well give up havin' any good of Sally, for that girl fairly bows down to Mara Lincoln and worships her." "Well, good reason," said the Captain. "There ain't a puttier creature breathin'. I'm a'most a mind to worship her myself." "Captain Kittridge, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, at your age, talking as you do."

She propped the child in a chair and stood off to inspect it. Straightway her eyes begun to widen with astonishment and admiration, and she clapped her hands and cried out, "Why, it do beat all! I never knowed you was so lovely. Marse Tommy ain't a bit puttier not a single bit."

Yure rather more Roon than Octo, I take it," sed I, fur I never seed a puttier gal in the hull endoorin time of my life. She had on a More Antic Barsk & a Poplin Nubier with Berage trimmins onto it, while her ise & kurls was enuff to make a man jump into a mill pond without biddin his relashuns good-by.