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The instinct which impels friends and servants to fly from sinking fortunes is a well-established fact in human natural history; but Fouquet's hold upon his followers was extraordinary: it resisted the shock of ruin. They risked court-favor, purse, and person, to help him. Gourville, before he thought of his own safety, carried a hundred thousand livres to Madame Fouquet, to be used in defending the Surintendant, or in bribing a judge or a jailer. The rest of his property he divided, intrusting one half to a devout friend, the other to a sinful beauty, Ninon de l'Enclos, and fled the country. The "professor" absorbed all that was left in his hands; Ninon returned her trust intact. This little incident was made much use of at a later day by the Philosophes, and Voltaire worked it up into "Le Dépositaire." From the Bastille, Pellisson addressed to the King three papers in defence of his chief: "masterpieces of prose, worthy of Cicero," Voltaire says, "ce que l'éloquence a produit de plus beau." And Sainte-Beuve thinks that Louis must have yielded to them, if he had heard them spoken, instead of reading them in his closet. The faithful La Fontaine fearlessly sang the sorrows of his patron, and accustomed "chacun

"Les fruits que cette conduite a produit dans la dernière guerre nous le savons [sic] et les anglois n'en ignorent rien. Qu'on juge l

"Nous croyons que ce genre de plaisanterie consiste surtout dans des idees ou des tournures originales, qui tiennent plus au caractere qu'a l'esprit, et qui semblent echapper a celui qui les produit. "L'homme d'humour est un plaisant serieux, qui dit des choses plaisantes sans avoir l'air de vouloir etre plaisant.

We hear the veteran musician has an opera now about to appear, and have no doubt that Old England will now, as then, show its superiority over ALL foreign opponents." Albion. "We have been accused of preferring the produit of the etranger to the talent of our own native shores; but those who speak so, little know us.

In the excellent work of M. de Sismondi, De la richesse commerciale, he says in a note on the subject of rent, 'Cette partie de la rente fonciere est celle que les Economistes ont decoree du nom du produit net comme etant le seul fruit du travail qui aj outat quelquechose a la richesse nationale.

Cette ville, qui avoit un beau château, appertenoit au despote de Servie. Le Turc l'a prise de force il y a cinq ans, et il l'a entièrement détruite; elle est dans un canton charmant qui produit beaucoup de riz. Je continuai par-del

Mais la solitude a aussi ses avantages et quand on voit du monde tous les jours, on peut bien passer la soiree chez soi. Si la petite femme etait seulement ici, ce serait parfait." "Mardi. "Petite femme cherie qui a ete gentille puisqu'elle a ecrit deux lettres. "Celle-ci est simplement pour te dire que mon repos a enfin produit son effet et que je suis rentre dans mon etat ordinaire.

* "Dans l'espace d'un an ils ont failli detruire le produit de plusieurs siecles de civilization." The principal cause of this is the despotism of the government in making the stage a mere political engine, and suffering the performance of such pieces only as a man of honesty or genius would not submit to write.*

Reclus's Anarchist writings are: Produit de la Terre et de l'Industrie, 1885; Richesse et Misère; Évolution et Révolution, 6th ed., Paris, 1891; and À mon Frère le Paysan, Geneva, 1894.

Thus, after the recital of the combat undertaken in behalf of Adrienne by her defender a recital which she concluded in paraphrasing these two lines: 'Paraissez, Navarrois, Maures et Castilians, Et tout ce que l'Espagne a produit de vaillants,