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Besides him there walked a tall, tawny-bearded man, who glanced solicitously every now and again at his companion, as though he were the bottle-holder at a prize-fight and feared that his man might collapse at a moment's notice.

They all declined to attend a fight between a couple of coolies, with horn spikes attached to their hands, for this was worse than a prize-fight. But there was no end of amusements that were not brutal, and they enjoyed themselves abundantly to the end of their stay. They visited the temples and the palaces of the nobles, where they were received with the utmost attention.

When the tears dry, oaths begin, and we soon found that the quarrelsome stage of the company had been reached. Amidst all this excitement we had not forgotten that this little matter of the prize-fight was but an incident on our journey to Newmarket. We knew full well that our present appearance would have found no recognition in the Mall.

"See there!" cried Xanthippe. "That's what this club makes possible. Socrates told me he was coming here to take luncheon with Carlyle, and they've both of 'em gone off to a disgusting prize-fight!" "Yes, ma'am, they have," said Richard; "and if Goliath wins, I don't think Mr. Socrates will get home this evening." "Betting, eh?" said Xanthippe, scornfully. "Yes, ma'am," returned Richard.

At first he gurgled incoherently, but finally recovered sufficiently to enunciate; and for ten minutes he denounced Mr. Small and Mr. Burke, their conduct and antecedents. It was a splendid exhibition of profane invective, and when he concluded he was almost breathless. "Yah!" he jeered, "five-dollar tickets for a prize-fight for the likes of youse!" He fixed Morris and Mr.

Two men each hit the other with their fists till their eyes are blinded and their noses are broken. Hideous! And the other men who look on cry out loudly and are made glad. It is barbarous no?" "But they are men," said John Harned; "and they prize-fight out of desire. No one makes them prize-fight. They do it because they desire it more than anything else in the world."

I was about to tell you that I came upon 'Ivanhoe' by chance half an hour ago, when I was searching I confess it for something very romantic to read. Ivanhoe was a prize-fighter the first half of the book is a description of a prize-fight.

So 'e makes arrangements to put ten thousan' dollars in with our friend that 's jus' gone out, and buy the kid a interest in the business. Down comes David, and Llewellyn takes a shine to 'im, an' soon they're thick as thieves. I see it all between voyages. It's the cinema, the prize-fight, the upaupa, the women, an' the bloody booze, day an' night.

"I was going to see that opera last Saturday night if that lowlife Walsh wouldn't have took me to the prize-fight." He paused and helped himself to a fresh cigar from the "gilt-edged" box. "For anybody else but a loafer," he concluded, "prize-fighting is nix. Opera, Mr. Perlmutter, that's an amusement for a gentleman." Morris nodded a vigorous acquiescence.

On his release he immediately became a famous "sick engineer" and for a long time enjoyed the greatest prosperity, until one of his friends victimized him at his own game by inducing him to bet ten thousand dollars on the outcome of a prize-fight that he was simple-minded enough to believe had already been fought and won.