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"I'd give ye one poundin' that ye'd remember, Emile Jazon, if I could get to ye, ye old twisted-face, peeled-headed, crooked-mouthed, aggravatin' scamp!" he exclaimed, not thinking how high his naturally strong voice was lifted. "I can stand any fool but a damn fool!" Long-Hair heard the concluding epithet and understood its meaning.

I hope he was so fussed he didn't notice that sigh of relief I let out; for I'll admit it was some able-bodied affair, a good deal like shuttin' off the air in a brake connection, or rippin' a sheet. Anyway, I made up for it the next minute. "You and Doris, eh?" says I, poundin' him on the back hearty. "Ain't you the foxy pair, though? Well, well! Here, let's have another shake on that.

Then Azuba stopped pounding the foot of the berth and began to thump him instead. "Don't you hear the bell?" repeated Serena. "Wake up! Daniel! Daniel!" Daniel stirred and opened his eyes. The Bluebird had vanished, so had Azuba, but the thumps and jingles were real enough. "Hey?" he mumbled, drowsily. "Stop poundin' me, won't you?" "Pounding you!

However, he stepped to the door, a green-painted affair of boards, and ventured another knock. "Don't start that poundin' again!" protested the voice. "Come round to t'other side where I be." So around went the Reverend John, smiling broadly. But even on "t'other side" there was no one to be seen. And no door, for that matter. "Why!" exclaimed the voice, "if 'tain't Mr. Ellery! How d'ye do?

"I thought maybe the ends of the screws would show through," he said. "What's the idea?" Archer asked. "Gee, but my head's poundin'." "If that hasp just fell over the padlock eye," Tom whispered, "and didn't fit in like it ought to, maybe if I could bore a hole right under it I could push it up. Don't get scared," he added impassively.

Didn't seem like I'd been poundin' my ear more'n half an hour, and I was dreamin' something lovely about doin' one of them pelican dives off a pink cotton cloud, when I feels someone shakin' me by the shoulder. I pries my eyes open, and finds one of the crew standin' over me, urgin' me to get up. "Wrong number, Jack," says I. "I ain't on the night shift." "It's the young lady, sir," says he.

We must crush the ungrateful rebels who are poundin' the Goddess of Liberty over the head with slung-shots, and stabbin' her with stolen knives! We must lick 'em quick. We must introduce a large number of first-class funerals among the people of the South. Betsy says so too. This war hain't been too well managed. We all know that. What then?

Most iv th' people I know 'd be happiest layin' on a lounge with a can near by, or stretchin' thimsilves f'r another nap at eight in th' mornin'. But th' papers make it out that there 'd be no sunshine in th' land without you an' me, Hinnissy, was up before daybreak pullin' a sthreet-car or poundin' sand with a shovel.

Wanst I half-roused, an' begad the noise in my head was tremenjus roarin' and rattlin' an' poundin', such as was quite new to me. 'Mother av Mercy, thinks I, 'phwat a concertina I will have on my shoulders whin I wake! An' wid that I curls mysilf up to sleep before ut should get hould on me. Bhoys, that noise was not dhrink, 'twas the rattle av a thrain!" There followed an impressive pause.

Wanst I half-roused, an' begad the noise in my head was tremenjus roarin' and rattlin' an' poundin' such as was quite new to me. "Mother av Mercy," thinks I, "phwat a concertina I will have on my shoulders whin I wake!" An' wid that I curls mysilf up to sleep before ut should get hould on me. Bhoys, that noise was not dhrink, 'twas the rattle av a thrain! There followed an impressive pause.