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Tige and the pup went down with me an' treed a cougar. Yes, they did, an' I set under a pinyon holdin' the pup, while Tige kept the cougar treed. I yelled an' yelled. After about an hour or two, Wallace came poundin' down like a giant. It was a sure thing we'd get the cougar; an' Wallace was takin' his picture when the blamed cat jumped.

What under the sun do you want to pound the Smedleys for? I should think they had trouble enough without poundin' 'em. Why," says he, "the old woman couldn't stand any poundin' at all, without killin' her right out and out, and the childern haint over tough any of 'em. Why, what has got into you? I never knew you to propose anything of that wicked kind before.

He found a trail that he had used several times before, when he had been working for the Diamond H and necessity or whim had sent him this way, and rode it, noting that it seemed to have been used much, lately. "I reckon old Abe's poundin' his horses considerable. Why, it's right plain," he added, after a little reflection, "this here trail runs into the Lazette trail, down near the ford.

Jorth an' his outfit will be some attentive to thet poundin' of yours on the back door. So I reckon. An' they'll be lookin' thet way. I'll run in yell an' throw my guns on Jorth." "Humph! Is that all?" ejaculated Blaisdell. "I reckon thet's all an' I'm figgerin' it's a hell of a lot," responded Blue, dryly. "Thet's what Jorth will think." "Where do we come in?"

As for us Chevy Chasers, we parallels the hunt, an' continyoos poundin' the Skinner turnpike abreast of the pack, ever an' anon givin' a encouragin' shout as we briefly sights our game. "'Gents, says Colonel Sterett, as he ag'in refreshes himse'f, 'it's needless to go over that hunt in detail.

Just fifteen thousand dollars, and he had thrown away more than that upon a poker game, before now! "Lord!" exclaimed Adam, "the very sight o' that theer Grimes's pig eyes a-starin' at Miss Anthea's furnitur' do make the Old Adam rise up in me to that amazin' extent, Mr. Belloo sir why, jest look at 'im a-thumpin' an' a poundin' at that theer chair!"

Both women peeped through the lowered blind. "She'll come poundin' upstairs to her mother. There ain't no kapin' of 'r away; and a nice how-d'ye-do there'll be!" The elder boy, Jim, whose ugly little face Dora's was said to resemble, was standing against the gate of the neglected garden.

"But this here Baylisshe’s been like a mule with a burr under his tail ever since he hit th’ territory. Wants to have th’ say ’bout everythingincludin’ wot goes on at th’ Rangewhich he ain’t never goin’ t’ have as long as Don Cazar kin sit th’ saddle an’ ride. Back in ’62 when th’ Rebs came poundin’ in here, they spoke soft an’ nice to Don Cazar.

After a long while of weary tossing and heart ache, sleep came at last to me; but it brought Pete and his wife and the overseer and Margaret in new combinations of trouble; and I got little refreshment. "Now you have waked up, Miss Daisy?" said Margaret when I opened my eyes. "That poundin' noise has done waked you!" "What noise?" "It's no Christian noise," said Margaret.

But I'm just as proud of you here in this sittin'-room as I am when you're back of that pulpit, poundin' with your mallet and tellin' Alphy Ann Berry to 'come to order. Notwithstanding that you're the only one can make her come or go, either unless she takes a notion. Why," with a chuckle, "it takes her husband half an hour to make her go home after meetin's over." Mrs. Dott did not chuckle.