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Did you ever see the inside of one of our police-stations at night? Or smell it? I did, once, when I went to give bail for a wretched girl who had been my servant, and had gone wrong, but had been arrested for theft, and I assure you that the sight and the smell woke me in the night for a month afterwards, and I have never quite ceased to dream about it.

In the meantime, I must trouble you to pay your respects to Mrs. Bognor and to come with me." "To Sir Richard's house?" Major Jones asked, eagerly. "To the police-stations," Peter Ruff answered. Major Jones did not rise. He sat for a few moments with his head buried in his hands. "Mr. Ruff," he said hoarsely, "listen to me. I have been fortunate lately in some investments.

It is pleasant to put on record here Mr. Bradlaugh's grave approval of the heavy work done in the police-courts, and the following paragraph shows how generously he could praise one not acting on his own lines: "As I have on most serious matters of principle recently differed very widely from my brave and loyal co-worker, and as the difference has been regrettably emphasised by her resignation of her editorial functions on this Journal, it is the more necessary that I should say how thoroughly I approve, and how grateful I am to her for, her conduct in not only obtaining bail and providing legal assistance for the helpless unfortunates in the hands of the police, but also for her daily personal attendance and wise conduct at the police-stations and police-courts, where she has done so much to abate harsh treatment on the one hand and rash folly on the other.

"'I, she answered, with feminine scorn, 'I was turned away from three hotels, before I finally understood your generous metropolitan hotel rules, which doom traveling women to the police-stations for lodging. I should have walked the streets, if I had not met a friend who generously took me home with her. "'I hope you slept well, I ventured, miserably. "'I did not!

It's a world in which the law can be a stupid pig and the police-stations dirty dens. One wants helpers and protectors and clean water. "Am I becoming reasonable or am I being tamed? "I'm simply discovering that life is many-sided and complex and puzzling. I thought one had only to take it by the throat. "It hasn't GOT a throat!" Part 7

"Where's Joan?" They searched the house and garden and stable for them in vain. They sent the twenty enraged guests home supperless and aggrieved. "Has William eaten all our suppers?" they said. "Where is he? Is he dead?" "People will never forget," wailed Mrs. Brown. "It's simply dreadful. And where is William?" They rang up police-stations for miles around.

What makes necessary hospitals, houses of refuge, police-stations, and alms-houses, the Tombs, Sing Sing, and Moyamensing? In that good time coming there shall be no exhaustive taxation; no orphans homeless, for parents will be able to leave their children a competency; no prisons, for crime will have given place to virtue.

During previous years a number of Japanese police-stations and police-boxes had been established in defiance of the local authorities in these regions, and although China in these negotiations recorded her strongest possible objection to their presence as being the principal cause of the continual friction between Chinese and Japanese, Japan refused to withdraw from her contention that they did not constitute any extension of the principle of extraterritoriality, and that indeed Japanese police, distributed at such points as the Japanese consular authorities considered necessary, must be permanently accepted.

But the police superintendent of the district lived in the village, and to him I gave instructions which I had not given, and, indeed, would have been disinclined to give, to the police at L . He was intelligent and kindly; he promised to communicate at once with the different police-stations for miles round, and with all delicacy and privacy.

They vanish like unlawfully risen corpses in the graves of cellars and garrets, in the charnel-vaults of pestiferously-crowded lodging-houses, in the prisons of police-stations, under dry arches, within hoardings; or they make vain attempts to rest the night out upon door-steps or curbstones.