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This Cape, or at least some part of it, is called by the Natives Motugogogo; Latitude 35 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds South, Longitude 185 degrees 25 minutes West. The point that forms the North-West entrance I have named Point Pocock; it lies West 1/4 North, 3 or 4 Leagues from Cape Brett.

It was practically in the manner of any one it was all but in poor Strether's own that instead of taking anything up he merely made the most of having to be himself explanatory. "I'm not leaving for the United States direct. Mr. and Mrs. Pocock and Miss Mamie are thinking of a little trip before their own return, and we've been talking for some days past of our joining forces.

Sarah hesitated, but she rose equal. "She'll return your visit with me. She's at present out with Mr. Pocock and my brother." "I see of course Mr. Newsome has everything to show them. He has told me so much about her. My great desire's to give my daughter the opportunity of making her acquaintance. I'm always on the lookout for such chances for her.

"Mrs Pocock will probably be ready herself to answer any enquiry you may put to her. But," he continued, "BUT !" He faltered on it. "But what? Don't put her too many?" Waymarsh looked large, but the harm was done; he couldn't, do what he would, help looking rosy. "Don't do anything you'll be sorry for."

"What's the use, any way?" he added. "We, that always carried ourselves so high, for all our being poor! It's God's mercy that took your father before he could see this day. 'Twould have broken his sperrit. Your father a Josselin, and me a Pocock, with lands of my own if right was law in this world; and now to be stripped naked and marched through the streets!" Ruth's eyes met the Collector's.

What money he had earned by many seasons' fishing upon the banks was invested in quarters of two small mackerel schooners, the remainder of which belonged to John Hodgeson, the richest man on Pocock, who was estimated by good authorities to be worth thirteen or fourteen thousand dollars. "Newbegin was not without a certain kind of culture.

They came, they dined, and they retired to Sam Wyndham's rooms to don their boots and skating clothes. At nine o'clock the remaining ladies arrived, and then the whole party got into a great sleigh and were driven rapidly out of town over the smooth snow to Jamaica Pond. John Harrington had not come, and only three persons missed him Joe Thorn, Mrs. Sam, and Pocock Vancouver.

Pocock and Madame de Vionnet should become acquainted. Strether was still more sharply struck, hereupon, with Chad's lucidity. "Why, isn't that exactly to get a sight of the company I keep what she has come out for?" "Yes I'm afraid it is," Strether unguardedly replied. Chad's quick rejoinder lighted his precipitation. "Why do you say you're afraid?"

I'll be at home whenever it best suits you. There I can't say fairer." Strether thought a moment while Waymarsh and Mrs. Pocock affected him as standing attentive. "I did lately call on you. Last week while Chad was out of town." "Yes and I was away, as it happened, too. You choose your moments well.

"Ah but the day you arrived you met Maria. Whom has Miss Pocock met?" He paused again, but he brought it out. "Hasn't she met Chad?" "Certainly but not for the first time. He's an old friend." At which Strether had a slow amused significant headshake that made her go on: "You mean that for HER at least he's a new person that she sees him as different?" "She sees him as different."