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Updated: September 21, 2024

In quo munere perfungendo, quin omnem curam et diligentiam sit collaturus, neutiquam dubitamus: a S. autem V. rogamus, velit ei eam fidem habere in ijs persequendis quae habet a nobis in mandatis, quam nobis habendam putaret, si essemus praesentes. Quem a nobis neutiquam ablegauissemus, nisi amicitiae nostrae, et studio gratificandi S. V. plurimum tribuissemus.

"We are strangersfrom distant countries. My friend is an Englishman and I an American." Berkley, however, was not so easily silenced. After a few moments' conversation he broke out into most audacious Latin, in which the only words clearly intelligible were; "Plurimum reverende, in Christo religiosissime, ac clarissime Domine, necnon et amice observandissime!

Cum Serenissimus Princeps, Ioannes Basilius, Rex, et magnus Dux Russiae, Volodimerae, Moscouiae, et Nouogrodiae, Rex Cazani, et Astracani, Dominus Plescoae, et magnus Dux Smolenscoae, Tueri, Vgori; Permiae, Valeae, Bolharae, et aliarum ditionum: Dominus et magnus Dux Nouogrodiae in inferiori regione Chernigae, Rezanae, Poletscoae, Ratsauie, Yeraslaue, Bealozeri, Liflandiae, Oudori, et Condensae, et gubernator in tota prouincia Siberiae, et partium Septentrionalium, et aliarum, frater, et Amicus charissimus, Nobilem virum, Feodor Andrewich Spisemski, nuper ad nos ablegauerit, ad certa quaedam negotia nobiscum agenda, quae honorem vtrinque nostrum quam proxime attingunt, quaeque recte definiri concludique nequeunt nisi Ambassiatorem aliquem et oratorem ad praefatum serenissimum principem amandauerimus: Hinc est, quod nos de fidelitate, industria, prouida circumspectione, et satis magno rerum vsu, praedilecti nobis famuli nostri, Hieronimi Bowes Militis, ex nobilibus domesticis nostris vnius, plurimum confidentes, praefatum Hieronimum Bowes Militem, nostrum verum et indubitatum Ambassiatorem, Oratorem, et Commissarium specialem facimus, et constituimus per praesentes.

"I can find the way to Prague, to the Hradschin and the Imperial treasure-house, Wallenstein's palace, the royal castle, Wallenstein's dancing-hall, and the Loretto Convent. There there is multum plus Plurimum." "What is your rank in the army?" "First Lieutenant." "That is something different. Come with me, and you shall have a horse, Mr.

Et credibile est per magnas illas conversiones etiam animalium species plurimum immutatas." Thus, in the end of the seventeenth century, the seed was sown which has, at intervals, brought forth recurrent crops of evolutional hypotheses, based, more or less completely, on general reasonings.

Those who would examine this subject more thoroughly, will consult Adelung, Zeuss, Grimm, Ritter, Ukert, Prichard, Latham, &c., who have written expressly on the geography or the ethnography of Germany. XXVIII. Summus auctorum, i.e. omnium scriptorum is, qui plurimum auctoritatis fideique habet. K. Cf. Sueton. Caes. 56.

Rationabiles tamen multum sunt hij, et plurimum virtuosi, ac de omni forefacto rigidam iustitiam exercentes. Sunt statura elegantes, robusti corpore, in praelijs lanceam cum tergia lata gerentes, viriliterque, et prudenter pugnantes.

In receiving the advantages of a foreign country, one ought to be doubly careful not to give offence, and it is therefore doubly incumbent upon us to redress it when given. To the feelings of the person I had offended, there was but one redress. Who can blame me if I granted it? Erat homo ingeniosus, acutus, acer, et qui plurimum et salis haberet et fellis, nec candoris minus. Pliny.

So also Cic. and Sall., pass. Exercitus is subject nom., promptus being understood, as pred.; and plurimum virorum equorumque explains or rather enforces exercitus: and, if the case demand, an army, the greatest abundance of men and horses. Quiescentibus, i.e. bellum non gerentibus; eadem, i.e. the same, as if engaged in war. XXXVI. Cherusci. See his achievements in Ann. B. 1, and 2.

"Ligures in terra cubant ut plurimum; plures ad cava, saxa speluncasque ab natura factas ubi tegantur corpora divertunt," "The Ligurians mostly lie on the bare ground; many of them lodge in bare Caves and Caverns where they are sheltered from the inclemency of the weather."

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