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Then, glancing at the Louis XIV clock: "Past the time for that C.P.S. board-meeting, Wally. No more of this, now. We'll talk it over at the Country Club, tonight; but for the present, let's dismiss it from our minds." "Right!" answered the other, and arose, yawning, as though the whole subject were of but indifferent interest to him. "It's all moonshine, Flint. All a pipe-dream.

I'm rattled enough already." "Well, is it true?" called out Mr. Striper. "No," Tembarom answered back, sitting down. "It couldn't be; that's what I told Palford. I shall wake up in a minute or two and find myself in a hospital with a peacherino of a trained nurse smoothing 'me piller. You can't fool ME with a pipe-dream like this. Palford's easier; he's not a New Yorker.

"But here we are gassin' away as if I were already a millionaire. And most likely it's nothin' more than a pipe-dream, all told." "No, it's true!" Adelle protested. "I'll wait to see it in the bank before I chuck my tools. I guess the lawyers will have to talk before they upset all their fine work for me," he suggested shrewdly. "You must go to Alton right away and see the trust company.

Never in its palmiest days had the 'Dobe Dollar's mirrors reflected a costume more gaudy than the one she was wearing. The men too were painted and dolled up extravagantly in vaqueros' costumes that were the limit of absurdity. Had they all escaped from a madhouse? Or was he, Steve Yeager, in a pipe-dream? From a near grove of cottonwoods half a dozen men in chaps came running.

"Gad!" he muttered, shivering, "what a situation for a hard-headed, practical man like me! It's more like a scene from some weird pipe-dream magazine story of the remote past than solid reality!" Again the Folk strained at the ropes, Stern with them; and now the great weight below was surely rising, inch by inch, up, up, toward the black and gleaming surface of the abysmal sea.

I jes' mentioned that a lying, whisky-drinking old Injun had sprung a pipe-dream about a lost river, and thar you go navagatin' it in a Coney Island steamboat." The boys could not help bursting into a laugh at the cow-puncher's whimsical way of talking. The professor joined in, too, for none realized better than he did that for a moment he, too, had been quite carried away by the idea.

Listen to him now." Bert, his handsome face bitter and devil-may-care, had tilted his chair back against the wall and was singing "Nobody loves a mil-yun-aire, Nobody likes his looks, Nobody'll share his slightest care, He classes with thugs and crooks." Tom was saying something about reasonableness and justice, and Bert ceased from singing to catch him up. "Justice, eh? Another pipe-dream.

Eating, fighting, marrying, plunging neck and crop out of one frantic revel into another. Talk about delirium tremens, and its little green devils with little pink eyes why, it's commonplace, that's what it is a poor sort of pipe-dream compared with the reality of life in New York as seen in company with John Delancy Curtis, of Pekin."

"I tell you Beta, this is no pipe-dream at all, or anything like it; the thing's reality we're going to fly! But it'll mean the most tremendous lot of sewing and stitching for you!" "You're a dear!" she answered inconsequentially. "I do believe if the whole world fell apart you could put it together again." "With your help, yes," said he.

He sent out word by his private-detective office- boy that if I called again he'd have me run in." "And now you come back with this dotty pipe-dream that he knows what became of your plans! Take my advice. Think it all you want, if that does you any good; but keep your head closed keep it closed! First thing he'd do would be to look up the phone number of the nearest asylum."