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'I'm jus' as civilized as you, says Snakes. 'I wear pants, he says, 'an' a plug hat, he says. 'Ye might wear tin pair, says I, 'an' all at wanst, I says, 'an' ye'd still be a savage, says I; 'an' I'd be civilized, I says, 'if I hadn't on so much as a bangle bracelet, I says. 'So get out, says I. 'So get out, says I, 'f'r th' pianny movers is outside, r-ready to go to wurruk, I says.

'Hol' on! he says. 'That's not a rented pianny, ye daft girl, he says. 'Why, pap-pah, says Molly, 'what d'ye mean? she says. 'That's Wagner, she says. ''Tis th' music iv th' future, she says. 'Yes, says Donahue, 'but I don't want me hell on earth. I can wait f'r it, he says, 'with th' kind permission iv Mrs. Donahue, he says.

But, as I was saying, she takes Mary in a coaxing sort of way, and 'Mary, says she, 'what should you think if I sent for you some day and made a lady of you? So I could not stand such talk as that to my girl, and I said, 'Thou'd best not put that nonsense i' the girl's head I can tell thee; I'd rather see her earning her bread by the sweat of brow, as the Bible tells her she should do, ay, though she never got butter to her bread, than be like a do-nothing lady, worrying shopmen all morning, and screeching at her pianny all afternoon, and going to bed without having done a good turn to any one of God's creatures but herself."

Honoria'd set down at th' pianny, an' th' ol' man'd growl: 'F'r th' love iv th' saints, close down that hurdy-gurdy, an' lave a man injye his headache! An' th' good woman scolded Terence, an' th' kids pulled th' leg fr'm undher th' stove; an', whin th' big boy Mike come home fr'm Omaha, he found none iv thim speakin' to th' others. He cud do nawthin', an' he wint f'r Father Kelly.

"Yes, I mean to. I guess I'll go now, before I get frightened thinking about it." And, to the utter amazement of the assembled family, Beth walked deliberately down the garden, through the hedge, and in at the Laurences' door. "Well, I wish I may die if it ain't the queerest thing I ever see! The pianny has turned her head!

'Twas good f'r to see thim settin' ar-roun' th' parlor, Terence spellin' out th' newspaper, an' his good woman mendin' socks, an' Honoria playin' th' 'Vale iv Avoca' on th' pianny, an' th' kids r-rowlin' on th' flure. "But wan day it happened that that whole fam'ly begun to rasp on wan another.

"Ain't there a plagued thing we can cover the pianny with?" cried the demoralized Allen, renewing his appeal. Polly came to the rescue of the helpless men by plucking a Navajo blanket from the couch. Tossing one end of it to Show Low, she motioned to him to help hold it up before the instrument like a curtain. "Stand in front of it, everybody," ordered Mrs.

'Tain't pianner, an 'tain't peeanner; it's pianny," said Abner, who on account of having once served a few weeks in connection with a detachment of the French auxiliaries, was conceded to be an authority on foreign pronunciation. "I hain't got no idee on't, nohow," said Israel shaking his head. "I hearn it a goin ez I wuz a comin by the store.

Hennessy, "if they are; but I don't b'lieve wan wurrud ye tol' me." "Well," said Mr. Dooley, "if they ain't both frinds, wan iv thim is. An', annyhow, I'm glad to know Tom Reed ain't thryin' to break into jail." "Ol' man Donahue bought Molly a pianny las' week," Mr. Dooley said in the course of his conversation with Mr. McKenna.

"It's a lot of boxes piled up higher and higher, and nailed down tight so that ye can walk on them, and when ye get away up high, there is another house right farninst ye well anyway, there was a lovely pianny in the parlow, and flowers in the windies, and two yalla burds that sing as if their hearts wud break, and the windies had a border of coloured glass all around them, and long white curtings full of holes, but they like them all the better o' that, for it shows they are owld and must ha' been good to ha' stood it so long.