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He opened it and looked in bewilderment at the contents: "Sailing to-day for New York on White Star boat Celtic. Love. Peg." The morning after the incident following Peg's disobedience in going to the dance, and her subsequent rebellion and declaration of independence, found all the inmates of Regal Villa in a most unsettled condition.

Indeed, they were sure they heard him skirmishing about several times. When we wakened in the morning the storm was over and a young morning was looking through rosy eyelids across a white world. The little clearing around Peg's cabin was heaped with dazzling drifts, and we boys fell to and shovelled out a road to her well.

What a blind little fool, that she could laugh and be merry with a man like Digby when this king amongst men was waiting for her to look his way. And the pendulum of Peg's emotions swung back again. After all, what was her own happiness compared with his?

He felt a spasmodic clutch at his heart when he imagined the sorrow of a homeless, blind child, but thinking of Peg's struggle to make a little go a long way, he dashed his sympathy resolutely aside. "Of course he can't stay he can't!" he murmured. "It ain't possible for you to keep 'im here." In his excitement Lafe bent forward and closed his hands over Peg's massive shoulder bones.

He lived in constant dread of hearing that some untoward accident had befallen her. All the days and nights of that journey of Peg's to England, O'Connell had the ever-present premonition of danger. When a cable came, signed Montgomery Hawkes, acquainting O'Connell with the news of Peg's safe arrival, he drew a long breath of relief. Then the days passed slowly until Peg's first letter came.

I have often inquired after Lazy Peg's fate in subsequent times; but could never learn anything distinct: the German Dryasdust is a dull dog, and seldom carries anything human in those big wallets of his! "Never!" answered Quitzow, and pulled up his drawbridge.

Face, arms and feet were bare and face, arms and feet were liberally powdered with FLOUR. Certainly no one who saw Peg that night could ever forget the apparition. Peg's black eyes, in which shone a more than usually wild and fitful light, roved scrutinizingly over the church, then settled on our pew. "She's coming here," whispered Felicity in horror.

Now, when I hope that mebbe I'll walk again, I'm always measurin' up to-morrow Peg's the best woman in the world." Jinnie shivered as a gust of wind rattled the window pane. "She makes awful good hot mush," she commented. "Anyhow," went on Lafe, "I was better off'n Jimmy, because he was stone dead. There wasn't any to-day or to-morrow for him, an' I've still got Peggy."

Chichester's nature and position to have occasion to receive into her house, amongst her own family, such a girl as Peg. And she had not made it easy for her aunt. She had regarded the family as being allied against her. Was it not largely her own fault if they had been? Peg's sense of justice was asserting itself.

But when the summer of our better nature dawns, and the upturned soil catches seed, even though dropped by a careless hand, the vines of love will cover all our coldness, and the scarlet and white blossom of our beautiful thoughts appear among the leaves. Aunt Peg's earthly hand made the lattice, and the love of her undying soul planted the cypress seeds."